Chapter 4

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I opened my eyes, the room was dark, and I forgot where I was. A pair of muscular arms wrapped around my torso and the memories flooded back. I reached for my phone that was laying on the ground and checked the time. 6:38 AM.

"Niall?" Liam said with his groggy morning voice.

"I'm just checking the time," I answered, placing the phone back and curling into his chest once again. He planted a soft kiss on my forehead.

"We have to be at the airport by noon." He informed me as he pulled me in closer.

"What? We're going back?" I asked. A sudden wave of panic rushed through me. I can't go back, the other boys will be angry at me. They'll be mad that I left without telling them, I won't hear the end of it.

"Yeah. That's why I came. I came to bring you back." He answered with a look of confusion. I jumped up and ran to the bathroom. I slammed the door and locked it. Footsteps chased after me, I didn't want to go back. I wanted to stay here at home.

"Niall open up. It's ok! I'll call up the boys and Paul and tell then something came up. If you really want to stay, I'll stay here with you." Liam said from the other side of the door.

"No Liam. I don't want to hold you back, I know how much you wanted to go to LA. Just go, I'll be ok." I said.

"No Ni, I won't go back without you. Please open the door so we can talk." He whined. I slowly opened the door and he brought me into a tight hug.

"Ok I'll go, but can we just stay at the hotel tonight? Just me and you? I don't want to be with anyone today." I asked. He looked down at me and smiled, "Of course, Niall."

"Can I take a shower first?" I asked pushing him out. He smirked before walking out. "Are you sure you can do it by yourself?" He asked as he stood outside.

"I've been doing it by myself for about 15 years now, I think I can." I laughed as I turned on the warm water.

"Ok, I'll be in our room if you need me," I rolled my eyes as I stepped in. I scrubbed shampoo in my hair and rinsed it off before washing the rest of my body.

I grabbed the towel and stepped out of the towel, I dried myself off and wrapped the towel around my waist. Since my clothes were in the room, I had to leave the bathroom with only a towel.

I walked into the room and Liam was on the bed, the same smirk reappeared on his face. I quickly grabbed a pair of boxers, pants and a Tshirt. Liam but his lip but I did everything in my power to avoid his gaze.

"Liam, I'm trying to get dressed." I told him as I slipped on my pants.

"I know, I'm enjoying the show," he purred. I rolled my eyes and pulled the shirt over my head.

"Aren't you gonna take a shower?" I asked, changing the subject.

"No, I was gonna take one when we get back to LA." He answered.

"You sure?" I asked.

"Are you saying that I stink, Niall Horan," he laughed. I nodded my head in a jokingly way.

Liam sprang up from the bed and tackled me down. He left kisses along my neck.

"I just took a shower Liam Payne," I smirked back.

"So?" He asked, leaving wet kisses on my shoulder. I kissed the top of his head before pushing him off.

"You ready to go?" I asked pulling him out the door.

"Yeah, just let me grab my phone." He said running to the family room. I grabbed my suitcase from the hallway and stuffed it into the back of the taxi waiting outside. Liam waited inside the car, texting someone.

"Who ya texting?" I asked as I jumped in the taxi.

"Huh?" He jumped up, "oh uh um Harry," he answered, shoving his phone into his pocket. I looked at him before resting my head on his shoulder. He put his hand on the side of my head. The ride to the airport didn't take too long.

Once we were there, we checked in and boarded the plane to LA. Liam and I slept most of the way there so the time passed by quickly.

Paul waited for us along with the other boys and once Liam and I stepped through the gate, the three boys sprinted towards us and nearly tackled us to the ground.

"Niall! We missed you!" Harry yelled.

"It's only been two days," I laughed at him.

"It felt like forever!" Louis said hugging me from the side.

"You guys want to go out tonight? Maybe the club downtown? Let's go out, get drunk." Louis asked looking at each of the boys.

Liam looked at me and I just looked back up at him.

"Um Niall and I are going to stay back at the hotel and rent a movie or something," Liam answered patting my head. I smiled back at him.

"Ok. If that's code for banging. I'm cool with that. Have fun then," Louis smirked," let's get back to the hotel boys."

We all piled into the van, Paul drove us to the hotel, I sat next to Liam who was focused on his phone the whole time. Every time I took a peek at his phone he pulled away. I shook it off and closed my eyes. What was he hiding?

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