I Pretend

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You always go,
but you never say goodbye.

Why, why, why?
Must you leave me to cry?

You always leave,
and you never stay for long.

Why, why, why?
Must you leave me to cry?

Run, run, run.
That's what I always seem to shun.

'Cuz that's what you do.
Though you have no clue.

Unconsciously, but surely,
You run away, unruly.

Every time I try to speak,
you always leave me feeling weak.

I pretend to not see you,
I pretend to have no clue.

I pretend to be focused,
I pretend to not notice.

I always go,
but I never say goodbye.

Why, why, why?
Must I go and cry?

I always leave,
and I never stay for long.

Why, why, why?
Must I go and cry?

Run, run, run,
What I do and shun.

'Cuz that's what I do,
Though I have no clue.

Unconsciously, but surely,
I always run, unruly.

Every time I try to speak,
you always leave me feeling weak.

I pretend to not see you,
I pretend to have no clue.

I pretend to be focused,
I pretend to not notice.

I always go,
but I never say goodbye.

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