This is a Letter

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This is a letter,
a poem all the same.

Though things change,
there is nothing to gain.

This is a letter,
a poem all the same.

I hope you are thinking,
your brain in pain.

I hope you're sad,
I hope you're blue.

Just know here I am,
all dark, too.

I hope you can read
the pain from my lips.

If not my lips, my words,
letting emotions drip.

I am not a rapper,
but I'll wrap things up.

Hello, how are you?
Stop being so tough.

I know you are broken,
on the inside if not out.

I know you are sad,
your lips with a pout.

I know you're confused,
one identity kept secret.

I know you don't care,
your mind telling you, "Leave it!"

But, here's the truth,
all written out.

Two identities are one,
I say this with a shout.

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