Dear My Big Smol Hild

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You are precious to me,
my big smol hild.

You are dear to me,
a friend and a fan.

You are precious to me,
my big smol hild.

You are dear to me,
as we scream our heads off.

You're my precious hild,
loved by your mother.

You take after my traits,
of screaming over hot guys that are half naked and hugging a fully clothed guy who is another one of our precious smol hildren that we love so dearly, even more than the smol precious innocent little cinammon bun that does the boogie woogie and is our little sweet, chubby red robin.

You are precious to me,
my big smol hild.

You are dear to me,
as I don't know what to write.

This poem is a joke,
I hope you laughed.

Because I am dying,
for this should be a draft.

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