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What's up!

Well, lets start off with simple questions.
Eye colour: hazel (Got from my mum.)
Skin colour: tanned
Hair colour: Dark brown
Species: FISH... Just messing with you. Human
Favourite food: Emily's cooking
Favourite movie. Lion king 1, 2 and 3.
Favourite place: my bed ;) and the beach.
Favourite colour: purple and white
Favourite flower: roses (mainly white roses)
Favourite thing to do: sing and play instruments. Draw nature.
Nicknames: dimples, lee

Okay, those were the most basic questions I could think of. I am 15 and I'm 5'2'', I'm a normalish girl. I blow out the candles on October 12th, born 1993.

My names Haylee Sophie Lahote... That's right Lahote.
Does the last name kind of ring a bell?
My brother is Paul Lahote. He's 3 years older than me.

Jake used to be my best friend, since I was in diapers. Till I turned 7, My parents got divorced then my mum and I moved to Canada while Paul stayed here in La Push with my dad. my mom sent me back to La Push to live with our dad not long ago. Now we're off to Sam's so he could explain everything to me. I hope I get to be best friends with Jake again.

I'm sorry I took so long to introduce myself :)

Forever and Always - Seth Clearwater LSWhere stories live. Discover now