9. School

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Haylee's POV

I woke up to the sun blinding me. I forgot to shut my blinds. -ding ding-

Morning Gorgeous. Sethxo.

I had an hour to get ready. I picked out an outfit, and went to take a shower.

(link in side bar if you can be bothered XD)

I wore black jeans, with a white sleeveless shirt, cream coloured scarf (the full circle one, idk wot its called J) and a cream coloured beanie. I put my hair into a messy side braid and wore a 3 piece bracelet that goes with the outfit.

Emily made me some pancakes. I stuffed them in my mouth grabbed a napkin and walked out the door screaming "thanks Emily. Cya after school."

I walked out the little door and saw Seth sitting on the porch waiting. I slowly walked up to him and jumped onto his back. He jumped.

"Woah. Haylee you scared me." Seth said laughing. His laugh is contagious.

"Hey, I didn't know you were here. Come on dog breath, mush!" I said pointing forward.

"Hey!" Seth said running. I laughed the whole way to school

when we go there I heard many people says stuff like 'she's Paul's sister.' 'She's new and she's already got a boyfriend!?!?' 'DUDE SHE'S HOT." Seth growled at the last one. Is he jealous? No he couldn't be, he probably doesn't even like me. I could possibly be friendzoned.

We met up with the rest of the pack and their imprintees.

We were ordered by the principle to line up in our classes outside. I quickly went to the office to get my schedule, but she just gave me my class name.

I returned to the gates of the school and went to find my class. I found it. Great I'm in a class full of plastics, jerks and people who are just plain weird. I spotted Quil. YAY QUIL IS IN THIS CLASS!!!

"Quil! You your in this class too." I said walking over to him.

"HAYLEE! I'm Glad your in this class. Try to keep low, we don't want to attract too much attention, plus your Paul's sister. You've got a temper at times."

"Yes, sir." I said saluting him

"But that'll be kind of hard. Since you're the new girl."

I chuckled, then the barbie leader came over.

"Hey new girl and Quil, why don't you come here and hang out with us. We wear pink on Thursd-"

"No thanks barbie wanna be."

"You may be pretty, but you will never be prettier than me. I'll make sure you NEVER get popular here."

"Good" I whispered to Quil.

"hey Quil want to come with me, we co-" before she could finish we walked off.

We got to our lockers and put our books and bags away, First 2 classes were boring. It was a pretty cold day, and I forgot to bring a jacket. Silly me. The worst thing today was that Jake ditched school for Bella. Now that Edwards gone I don't even see Jake around anymore. Of course I don't know what I expected. I had sport next, no one was really participating in my class. We lost badly.

After school the pack and I were walking back to Emily's. We could smell her blueberry muffins from miles away. We decided to have a race.

"Last one there can't get any muffins" I screamed.

"You have yourself a deal little Lahote." Jared said smirking thinking he can beat me.

"On the count of 3. 1...2...." Embry said.

"3!" Seth screams running with his hands in the air.

I was running as fast as I can to Emily's place, I saw Leah catching up and we decided to jog together. Embry, Quil, Jared and Paul caught up but we still won.

"Haha a 15 year old human girl just bet your lazy wolf asses."I celebrated.

"wait, where's Seth?" Leah asked.

We saw him running, he finally made it here.

"AHAHAS SETH GETS NO MUFFINS!" Quil screams running into the house.

Seth walked to the lounge to watch TV, since he wasn't allowed to eat any. I grabbed 3 muffins, and walked over to him.

"Here." I said handing him 2 muffins. He looked up and smiled so widely I think his face might split into 2. He said Thanks before grabbing it and quickly kissing my cheek. I blushed and looked down.

"HEY! YOU WERE THE ONE THAT SAID LAST ONE GETS NO MUFFINS! Embry yelled with a mouth full of muffins.

"as I quote 'Last one there can't get any muffins' he didn't get it. I got it for him" I gave him an innocent smile and sat next to Seth, he put his arm around me. After that I helped Seth with some of his maths homework since he's having trouble with it.

Forever and Always - Seth Clearwater LSWhere stories live. Discover now