3. Spanish Omelettes

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HEYY GUYS! i havent updated in a while XD SORRYY i completely forgot and to make up for it im going to be posting 3 chapters (inclduing this one) ENJOY!!! :)


Haylee’s POV.

I woke up in the middle of the night by a wolf howl; at least I thought it was. I tried to get back to sleep. But I couldn't. I stayed up the rest of the night on my phone. I looked at the time, 6:00am. Great I've been awake for 2 hours. I got dressed and went for a quick jog. Then I went in to the kitchen and made some Spanish omelettes. I might as well make some for everyone.
It was about 8 now. I can hear some boys waking up and rushing into the kitchen.
"Haylee did." Jared sang.
"OMG I love you." Jake said.
"Yeah, sure you do.” I smirked
I was already prepared. Their plates were already on the table and already had heaps of omelettes. I only had to make mine and Emily’s. When I finished I grabbed Emily’s plate and walked up to Emily's room. I knocked.
"Emily. You awake?" I asked quietly.
"Yeah, just getting changed. Are you hungry already? I'll come and make breakfast in a minute."
"No, I already made some Spanish omelettes for me and the guys. I also made some for you."
She opened the door.
"Oh no. you didn't have to."
"I know. I wanted to." I said smiling.
"fine. I'll let you off this time." She said joking.

Sam and Paul came in from patrol.
"Hey guys" Paul greeted.
"Hey Paul." The guys chorus.
"Leave any for me." Paul asked.
Shit I forgot about him and Sam.
"Uhm I forgot to make some for you guys. I'll make it now."
"Nah, it's alright." Paul and Sam said at the same time.
"When you finish, Jake show Haylee where the treaty line is and tell her about it." Sam instructed.
"Yes, sir." Jake said while saluting.

Jake phased while I got on his back and he showed me where the treaty line is. When we got to the treaty line he phased back and told me that the Cullen’s and how our ancestors made a treaty with them
“I remembered that we used to make mud pies together with Bella swan. It's good to have you back." Jake suddenly said.
"It's good to be back”
“So got a crush on anyone?” He asked curiously.
“Nope. You?”
“Well… Bella.”
“the one we made mud pies with? REALLY?! :DD”
“But she's in love with a blood sucking Cullen.”
Wow. Shucks. I kind of liked Jake but he was my best friend and he likes Bella.

The time we finished it was already passed dinner, and to my surprise I wasn't hungry, I was exhausted. I told Paul I was going to walk home and go to sleep. He denied at first then Jake offered to drop me off. So he agreed.
I went home changed into my pjs and went to sleep.

Forever and Always - Seth Clearwater LSWhere stories live. Discover now