4. Jealousy

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Haylee’s POV.

Today Paul told me to get all my textbooks for school today. BORING I know. I begged him to get them for me but he said no. I called Jake to give me to ride to Seattle to get all my books. He said yes because he has to get books too. I was a sophomore and he's a senior. He's going to graduate.
I had to get heaps of text books, my subjects were: English, Maths, Science, History, Spanish, PhysEd, band (fine arts) and biology
I wore ripped jean shorts, a tank top, an owl necklace and some hamil sandals. (outfit in External link)

I was getting my bag ready, when I saw Jake's truck pull up in our drive way along with a red truck. I ran down the stairs and attacked Jake with a hug. I saw a brunette girl and a blonde guy sitting in the car. They got out and walked over to me and Jake.
"Hi I'm Bella." She said. She looks… uhmm emotionless? Yeah that’s the correct way to say it.
"I'm Edward" he said. This Bella’s boyfriend, that Jake hates. I must admit he’s pretty attractive, but I’m not willing to ruin a relationship and he’s not my type.
Edward smiled. He's giving me creeps.
"I'm Haylee Lahote. Paul's sister.” I gave them I warm smile, even though she is emotionless, she’s pretty and she does seem nice. We talked a bit before getting into Jake's truck.
Jake got into the truck, and we started driving to Seattle.
It was a long ride.
"Bella’s pretty and she seems nice, what do you like about her?"
"She's been my best friend since last year."
"You'll never choose her over me right?" I asked curiously.
“of course not, I would never." He answered smiling.
We got all our books. Jake helped me carry most of them, I only carried two.
By the time Jake and I finished getting our books. Jake and I put our books in his truck before we met up with Bella and Edward at Starbucks. (I don't think there's a Starbucks there but yolo haha jks. sorry.)
I was so tired and Jake was giving me a piggy back. I could see in Bella's eyes that she was jealous. She was giving me death glares. Personally it scares me
after we ate dinner, Jake randomly asked.
"Bella want to come over to Emily's? Emily misses you."
Emily doesn’t even like her, Jake just wants to hang with Bella. Typical Jake. But I don’t see why they hate her so much, she’s so nice. Well before she gave me a death glare.
"Sure I’ll come over. I miss her too." Bella said smirking.
I gave Edward a look. He seemed to understand.
"Bella you shouldn't go, it's not safe and I want some quality time with you." Edward said.
"Fine." She said giving Edward a peck.

"Jake if we don't go now, I'll puke on you." I said begging.
"Okay lee. We'll go."

By the time we got home, it was 8. But I was so tired from shopping I went to sleep. 

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