11. Falling in love

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Haylee’s POV

Today was the day our band had to perform for the whole school assembly. yippee. Note the sarcasm. I loved playing my guitar, it was my guilty pleasure. No one knew I played guitar, I was good but not that good.

I got out of bed and grabbed an outfit and went into the bathroom. After my shower I got dress in a lipsy palm printed skater skirt with a black tank top. (outfit in description) I wore my black toms with it.

Then as I was applying a bit of make-up, Seth texted me saying that he’ll be here in 5 mins. I quickly ran down the stairs and ate my pancakes that Emily cooked for me and then I saw Seth running up the rocky path.

“Well. Where’s our ride?!”

“Leah left before I even got up, so I ran here.”

“Does it mean we have to walk to school?”

“No… maybe…yes?” he said. I sighed. I got my phone and quickly dialled Jake’s number.

“Come on, come on pick up.” I chanted

Hello? I head Jake’s voice on the line

Hey, Seth and I don’t have a ride to school. Do you mind?

No its fine, I was just leaving.

Okay see you soon.

We started walking down the rocky path from Emily’s house. As we were waiting I started to zone off, every minute with Seth makes me fall for him more, is that even possible. My mum always told me that you can’t stop falling in love with someone.

“HAYLEE! Jake’s here” Seth said snapping me out of my thoughts. He chuckled and we both got in his truck.

“you looked so concentrated. What were you thinking of… Seth?” Jake said laughing. I blushed. If only he knew. We got to school in no time.

“Thank you, Jakey-Poo” I said mocking Bella.

“no probs.” He said not getting out of his car.

“aren’t you coming school again?” Seth asked.

“I’m going over to Bell’s, we’re going to test out the motorcycles me and her built.”

“but I’m performing today and your promised you’d come.” I said getting sad.

“oh right… uhmm I’ll try to make it. I promise.”

“pinky promise?” I held out my pinky.

“pinky promise.” He said joining our pinkys together. Then he was off. The school bell faintly rang.

“Fu-Fiddlesticks, we’re going to be late!!” I said, grabbing Seth’s arm.

*time Skip to Assembly*

'We would love to thank you for making a great start to a great year ahead of us. Now I would like to present the first freshman band.' my principle said.

Oh no. I’m up. What if I forget the notes and forget how to play. I’m going to get stage fright I just know it. I feel my palms are starting to sweat.

Pierce, Quil, Laura and I went up to the stage and got to our places. We were doing a cover of ‘Just the way you are’ by Bruno Mars. I scanned the crowd for Jake. I don’t see his familiar face anywhere. Until I saw a tall tan figure stumble into the hall, I smiled and felt a little bit relieved.

Quil counted us in,

I started to harmonise the start while Laura played the keyboard (Haylee sings the part in the Brackets)

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