10. Nicknames

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Time skip. Few day before homecoming.

Haylee's POV

I just this hate school. It's a completed hell hole here. Things I hate about here: plastics, jerks, teachers, work, exams, homework, did I mention Work?! A few more weeks until we have this dance. I’ve made many friends, they include Madeline, Amy, laura and Tina. I've gotten a whole heap closer with Seth, We’re best friends; But I wish we were more than friends, we flirt once in a while, but he probably does it to a lot of girls.

my favourite part of the day is lunch. Sweet Jesus. FOOD.

"Come on, faggot. I had Maths for a double. A DOUBLE!!! I NEED MY FOOD." I said yelling at Seth.

"Shut up already." He replied.

"Well you are the slowest out of us." I said referring to the pack and I.

"Hey." He said fake pouting.

"I'm sorry." I went up to him and gave him a hug.

We walked to the cafeteria and met up with the pack. Everyone was having their own conversation. "Hey guys." Seth and I said together. We got some Heys and hi from everyone. Jake doesn’t even come school anymore, for bella. We went to get some food. I came back with a reasonable amount so I didn’t look like a pig. After we ate, Seth and I went to the back of the school under our tree. We laid on the grass under the shade just looking at the clouds. It was relaxing. I was starting to wonder who I was going to go to the homecoming with. Jake, jared and embry invited us to go with them. I hope it would be Seth, I really wish he would go with me. Obviously he would have a realy pretty, smart, funny girl that isn’t me. but that’s ages away so I shouldn’t worry about it now.

“Hello! Earth to Haylee." seth said waving his hand in front of my face.

“wot, mi amigo”

“dude, don’t start with that Spodermon language”

“got a problem”

“yeah, you wanna go.” He said standing up. His face wasn’t serious, I knew he was joking so I played along.

“yeah I wanna go.” I said, also standing up. I was really short compared to him.

“whatcha want.” I said pushing him. He laughed and said.

“you… dead” then he chased me around the place, when he finally caught me he tickled me till I had no air.

Just then the school bell rang.

I had band and Spanish next. My favourite subjects. I went to my locker and got my books and equipment needed. I walked into class and sat next to Quil. He was in my band and Spanish class.

“Good afternoon, class. After I mark your name go off and practise in your band.” Ms hocking said. She marked our names off while we get into our groups and get out our instruments. I played guitar, Quil’s playing drums, Pierce was singing and Laura was on the keyboard. We were practising the song ‘Just the way you’ are by Bruno Mars. Laura was my first friend I made in this school. Pierce was Quil’s middle school friend. This is our last practise together; tomorrow we’re all preforming for the whole school for grading.

After school I waited at the front of the school for Seth and the pack. I saw the whole crew come out of school, all laughing and happy. It made me smile to see them all happy. I saw Seth and ran to hug him. The crew (the pack and imprintees) walked to their cars and drove to Emily’s, which I like to call the headquarters. Seth and I caught a ride with Embry and Quil, While Jared went with Kim. Paul didn’t go school today. When we got to Emily’s the boys drove for the muffins leaving only 1 left for me. :O.

“it hasn’t even been a minute and you’ve already eaten 2-3 each!?!” I yelled. I raised an eyebrow at them. Embry handed me a muffin. A. JUST ONE MUFFIN. ONE. 1. UNO.

“Wow guys, you guys are the best. Leaving only 1 muffin for me.” I said all dramatically and acting proud

“I know we are.” Jared said taking a bite out of his 5th muffin.

“Do you guys even chew?” I asked horrified.

“Maybe” Jared said while smirking.

After what seem like 921837 hours, it was dinner time. I was starving after only eating 1 muffin :’( I ran to set up the table and help bring out the food; Emily made chicken wings and some sausages.

“Whoa calm down there hobbit.” Quil said.

“No , egg head not after you guys ate all the muffins. Your stomachs are like bottomless pits.” I replied

Everyone just looks at us like we’re aliens

“We made nicknames for each other. ” I answered

“she started it” Quil said blaming me.

“hahah DID NOT.” I yelled

“DID TOO” he huffed



“DID TOO” I said tricking him.

“DID NOT” he blurted.

“HAH I WON” I screamed dancing

“Let’s just eat, hobbit.” Quil said

“OHHH… I GEETT ITTT!! she a hobbit cause she's short and quil is an egghead. Haahha.” Embry said dragging out the words. I slow clapped at him.

“Your so slow Embry and I hate you Ateara.” I declared jokingly.


“What?!??!” Paul said

We all laughed and ate. After that we all just chilled on the couch. This moment was perfect. Might sound a bit cliché but it is really perfect moment to be in.

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