6. Clearwater

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Paul's POV

I walked into Emily's place with Rachel in my arms. She's now my fiancée. I saw Haylee asleep on the couch and all the guys crowded around her and Jake taking pictures of her sleep. I chuckled. I was about to take her home until she woke up.

Haylee's POV.

I woke up to someone taking pictures and some laughing. I listened.

"She's soo cute when she sleeps." I heard Jared say.

I sat up so fast; I hit my head against Embry's.

"Ouch. Come back here."

“THESE ARE GOING ON MY TWITTER.” Jake screamed running away.

I chased Jake all around Emily's place.

I caught up to him and tackled him to the floor.

"OH NO! JAKE HAS BEEN CAPTURED, ALL HOPES LOST.” Jared said all dramatically.

"I'm sorry. I'll delete the pictures." He said quickly while deleting them.

"Good boy." I said ruffling his hair.

I got off Jake and then sat on the couch. I sat very still. 2 second later.

“IM BORED!” I sighed.

“Want to play rock, paper, scissors?” Embry suggested.

“Okay why not.” I shrugged. After a few games I lost.

“I win!” Embry jumps up and down clapping his hands together.

“Best out of 4?” I asked him with a hopeful smile.

“you’ve already lost 3 times in a row.” He said.

“Fine when I throw a rock at you, all you’re going to have to protect you is paper.” 

“Not if I wrap the rock.” Embry pointed out.

“Whatever Embry.”

Paul was on the table with Rachel in his arms.

"Soo when's the wedding." I said wiggling my eyebrows. Rachel blushed.

"Idk, I hope soon. And she's moving in with us."

"But who knows what I'll hear at night and I'll be traumatised."

"Shut up."

Just then we heard a wolf call.

“Well… Duty calls."

"Soo… Emily, Rachel. WADUPP"

"Hi." They both said.

"Hey Emily, would it be okay with you and Sam if I moved into the spare room upstairs?" I asked

"Of course Sam wouldn't mind, and I would love to have you living here." She said.

"Thanks I'll beg Paul tonight and can you tell Sam to pick me up at 10am tomorrow. Thanks." I sad rushing home.

I took out my phone and texted Paul, he'll get this message when he gets back from the Clearwater's.

Hey, big bro. I went home. I want to ask if I could move into Emily's. love you. xxHSL.

Seth's POV

I was watching TV, just chilling.

"Seth, tell mum I'm going for a walk." Leah said while walking out then door.

My dad followed her telling her walking at night is dangerous.

I followed too.

She opened the letter box and got a letter out.

"Uhm LEAH DON'T READ IT." I yelled.


"It's for your own good, if we told you; you’ll be sulking again like a loser." I yelled without thinking. Shit.

"SETH!!" My dad yelled at me.

Leah turned into a giant wolf. I thought those were just legends.

I suddenly got mad and I wasn't standing on 2 feet anymore. I was on all fours.

Seth's POV

Suddenly our dad screamed in pain, while holding his chest. My mum came out, she saw us and dad. She started bawling her eyes out. She makes me sadder then I already am. Several wolves came out from the bushes and told us to relax. They changed to human and got some shorts on. Jake and Sam were there.

"Sue, please go get some shorts and tops for Seth and Leah. Well meet you at the hospital." Sam instructed taking dad to the hospital.

They ran very fast to the hospital.

When we got to the hospital, Sam explained everything. Now we had to wait for news on my dad.

"Family here for Harry Clearwater."

We all ran up to the doctor.

"We are." My mum said.

"I'm sorry, he didn't make it." He mumbled.

Those words, made me feel a stab of pain in my heart.

After we saw him for the last time, Sam said we have to go back to his place.

We got back and Emily made muffins.

"Thanks Emily" I said.

"Your welcome Seth." She said smiling.

"welcome to the pack guys. As you know, Seth You’re the youngest of the pack." Sam said.

"Yep." Paul said while looking at his phone.

"And Leah you weren't supposed to phase." Sam said again. Leah scoffed.

"I'm Embry and this is Jared and that there is the hot-headed Paul." Embry said. Embry said pointing to Paul, He laughed. Me and Leah nod.

"Guys, I'm going to go home." Paul said.

"Alright BYE!" The guys yell.

Sam told me that tomorrow that I had patrol with Jake and Leah. I was happy I get to see Jake again :)

Paul's POV

When we came back from the hospital I took a muffin and took my phone out. Haylee texted me. :)

"welcome to the pack guys. As you know, Seth you’re the youngest of the group." I heard sam say.

"Yep." I said while looking at my phone.

"And Leah you weren't supposed to phase." Sam said again. I heard Leah scoffed.

"I'm Embry and this is Jared and that there is the hot-headed Paul." Embry said pointing to me. I laughed. Seth and Leah nodded

"Guys, I'm going to go home." I said hopping to my feet.

"Alright BYE!!." I heard the guys yell.

I hopped into my truck and went home.

I got home to seeing Haylee asleep on the couch with the tv still on. I chuckled lightly and carried her into her room. I went to my room and slept.

I was thinking, Haylee is moving out tomorrow and Rachel is moving in.

Haylee's growing up so fast, I chucked to myself and wiped an invisible tear... God I've lost it. I'm talking to myself. :) I then fell asleep

Forever and Always - Seth Clearwater LSWhere stories live. Discover now