12. shopping !

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shoutout to lone_alpha_wolf , TwilightGirlie4ev , JesseniaOrtiz4 , Dreams_slip , mrsmegannknowles and Darbyngram thank you guys for voting on my last  chapter, much appreciated


Haylee’s POV

Homecoming week has finally arrived and school is hectic. Everyone is talking about their dates and dresses. People are trying to make the venue look nice and shiz. My friends Madeline, Amy, Laura and I all have dates to go to the homecoming with. My friend, Tina hasn’t got anyone because no one’s asked her to go. She had a crush on this guy in our maths class but he never really noticed her. We were currently hanging out at William’s House (Amy’s Date/Boyfriend) Seth had football practice. We were all watching a movie on Netflix on William’s laptop. I was in the middle holding the laptop, Tina was next to me and I heard her sigh, I think everyone did as well. With a loud dramatic sigh, I slammed will’s laptop shut (not that hard though, i mean, i didnt want to break it now did i) and handed it over to Will.

“that’s it woman, you are going to tell me what is wrong, what is up, what happened, right here, right now, so start so spilling what in the world is going on.” I said, facing her.

“it’s just that, you guys all have dates and are happy, whilst I’m here alone and no one has asked me to the date.” She said holding in her tears. I hugged her from the side.

“Hey no one said you needed a date to have fun at the homecoming, you have all of us.” Amy said and gave her an encouraging smile. She smiled back weakly.

“yeah, okay.” I knew she wasn’t going to be convinced that easily.

“How bout we all go dress shopping right now. The guys aren’t allowed to come because it’s a secret.” Laura asked. I know she loves shopping, her face perked up a bit.


We all got in the car and I texted Paul and Seth to let them know where were going. We were going to Port Angeles; Tina said there was a really nice dress shop there. Tina’s sister, Elizabeth drove us there, since we’re all 14-15.

We walked in and there was a girl and a guy also shopping in here.

“hey Tina” the boy greeted.

“oh hey Phillip.” Her face lit up. They started talking, I smirked to the other girls.

“oh looks that’s a pretty dress, guys come over here.” Tina was about to say goodbye when I gave her a thumbs up. She got the message but dragged me over.

“Haylee he doesn’t even go to our school.” She said sadly.

“no one will know” I winked back. Tina and Phillip talked a bit more before he had to go and they exchanged numbers. Us being creepy watched them the whole time behind some clothing racks.

“now let’s buy some dresses” Tina whisper/yelled.

We tried on many different types of dresses, long, short, glitter, patterns, bland, sleeves, sleeveless. Most of the girls have picked out their dress, Laura and I still haven’t found a suitable dress. Tina picked out a long red maxi dress, Amy picked out a dark purple and black dress it went down to her mid thigh, and Madeline picked out a white with colourful floral pattern. (pics will be in external link) Laura and I walked to a store somewhere across the road. Laura had her eyes set on a dress in the window, it was amazing, she tried it on and it was stunning it was a baby pink strapless dress. I still haven’t found a dress and it was getting late so I was a bit disappointed, but the dance is this Friday and it was only Sunday.

I got dropped off at Emily’s place and went up to my room. I flopped down face first onto the bed. I heard someone coming up the stairs.

“knock knock”

“whos there?”

“guess who” the person replied, I knew it was Jake’s voice.

“eww is it Jake.” I said joking

He came barging through the door.

“I thought we were friends.” He said putting his hand on his heart playing along.

“we wouldn’t be friends if I didn’t insult you at least once in a while.” 

“whatchu want?” I asked raising my eyebrow.

“to spend some time with my darlingest dearest best fwend.” He said with a puppy dog face.

“Your ridiculous, come sit.” I sat criss crossed on my bed.

“little birdies tell me that Seth is taking you to the homecoming.” He smirks

“yes, indeed he is. What about you, is it Bella?”

“actually yes.” He smiles to himself.

We talked for hours just about random stuff like homecoming, graduating, fruits and ducks. It was just like the old times when embry, quil, paul, jake and I had sleepovers and thought we were invisible since we could stay up till 1 am talking about everything.

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