8. Cullens

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Haylees POV

Oh its just Bella. I started walking to Jake with Seth. Bella looks at us. She's giving me a dirty look.

"Jakey, the Cullens are being mean to me." Bella said to Jake.

" what is happening?" I whispered to Seth, loud enough for only him to hear.

"I don't really know. But all I know is Jake and Edward both love her." Seth whispered back.

"You know you could always be with me! " Jake said to Bella wiggling his eyebrows. Bella playfully hit him.

"Jakey poo, I love Edward. " she pouted

"Ewww." Me and Seth

Seth dragged me pass them to the entrance of the house mansion.

I looked back at Jake, I saw them hugging. Seth looked too.

"Well that escalated quickly." I said to Seth, he chuckled

"I thought you loved Edward. I know Edward's not going to forgive me after this but Bella you're a dirty lying cheat bag. You're playing both of their hearts." Some beautiful blonde girl was yelling at Bella.

"Come on let's go inside." Seth said holding my hand. I sat down on the couch with him.

Jake, Bella and the blonde girl came in. The blonde sat next to me.

"Hi, I'm Rosalie by the way." She said.

"Hey, I'm Haylee. " I replied.

Suddenly 5 more vampires appeared.

"You must be Haylee. We've heard a lot about you." Someone said.

"Good things I hope." I said.

"I'm Esme. This is my husband Carlisle, and this is Emmet, Jasper, and Alice." I gave them all a smile.

"I hope we get to be the best of friends. Do you like fashion" she said smiling widely.

"I hope so too and no...." I said she looked sad. "I love it." She started beaming. " I love her more than Bella already." She said hugging me. I was feeling a bit awkward. Seth look like he was uncomfortable. I sat down on his lap and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I was startled but then relaxed. Jake looked at us weird, then gave us a wink. I blushed deeply.

Jake started to growl at Edward as Bella went to go suck half his face off.

" I think I'm going to be sick." I said gagging. Emmett's booming laughter shook the whole house.

Seth was watching football with Emmett. While I was talking to Rosalie, I found out how she was turned. She had a sad past. L

now Emmett and Seth were watching SpongeBob.

"Can we go on a shopping spree one day Haylee. I'll buy everything for you." Alice said while bouncing on the spot.

"I would love to go, but I can pay for my own clothes."

"NO! We would be honoured to pay for you." Alice said


"Not buts" Rosalie said. No point fighting with vampires.

"Haylee we have to go home. Emily and Paul are getting worried you might have gotten hurt or something."

"Okay, bye guys." I said waving to everyone. By the time we got back to Emily's it was late I yawned and went to bed. Lying in bed realising what tomorrow was, school.

Forever and Always - Seth Clearwater LSWhere stories live. Discover now