Chapter 14

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2 weeks later

Troye pov

Finally the day has come, Tyler was coming to Australia. I swear iv been cleaning every single room in this house. When I woke up(at 10 am, who even wake then??) I washed the guestroom, getting some One Direction sheets on the double bed. When I was done the others had already ate so I decided I'd just make myself some eggs. I cooked singing loudly along to Royals witch was my favourite song at the moment. Tyler was not coming before around 5 so I had way to much time on my hands. I decided it was time to make a video, so I set up the camera in my room. I was really happy with my new camera that I got for my birthday! I had already planned my video for this week. I was gonna call it "How To Fashion"

I came on the idea a few weeks ago. Since I came out people seem to think that I was a fashion slave, and loved shopping. I took my plate to the dishwashing and sprinted up to 2 floor. I knocked hard on Tydes(my brother) door. He often help me with my videos. When He's not a little shit he's pretty cool! I mean he have my blood. We high fived after finishing the video and I sat down to edit it. When the clock was 2 my video was (finally!) up. I opened 3 tabs Facebook,Twitter, and Tumblr. First I checked Facebook were it diedent happen alot(as usual)! Then I scrolled trough Tumblr reblogging some pics, following some people and laughing alot. After 20 minutes I found myself laughing hysterically at a dog licking a babys face.

Then I opened the last tab. Twitter! I scrolled down my 'cool pps' list! It was some (very) loving tweets and some more hatefull ones.  But I was used to that. But my eyes widned in shock as I saw the new tweet on my dashboard

"@Marcusbutlertv: Talked 3 hours stright with @TylerOakley on Skype! He diedent seem to keen to leave America. Especially after our night;) #myler"

I felt tears starting to stream down my cheeks as I sunk down on the floor. I walked slowly to the bathroom finding my razor. There was alot roumors that I cut but Iv accually never done it. I closed my tearfilled eyes mumbling slut as I made 1 cut. Worthless 2 cuts. Ugly 3 cuts. I sank down on the floor crying loudly. I sat there for about 10 minutes or so before I raised taking a towel drying my bloodfilled arms. The cuts were not to deep, but they hurt like Shit. I had just thrown on a shirt when I checked the clock seeing it was 4.30. What should I do? Tyler oubviously did not want to be here. I washed my face before calling the familar number.

A/N Soo a slightly longer chapter for y'all(if someone accually read this im greatful to the moon and back!) a vote or comment means the world! it so motivating (: well enjoy Christmas y'all!!

Troyler(a Tyler Oakley and Troye Sivan story)Where stories live. Discover now