Chapter 48

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*Troye Pov*

"What about that one?"

"To soft"

"This one is really nice"

"I don't like leather"

"That one over there has a really nice color"

"Yeah, but It's way to small"

What was about what had gone on the last two hours. Tyler was honestly a real nightmare to go furniture shopping with. He was way to picky at anything.

After 2.5 hours of us looking through 3 stores, getting kicked out of one of them and had something like 8 employees help us all together I were getting real tired of looking.

As I was about to give up and drag Tyler home to look on online sofas a young girl comes up to us. She had blond hair floating down half her back and had a sign on the yellow shirt saying "Tiffany"

"Excuse me,you are Tyler Oakley. I watch ur videos! I think I got the perfect sofa for you"

Her voice was clearly excited but also professional. She leed us through almost the entire store before showing us a milky white sofa. She ran of but before we even had time to sit down she was back again laying some pink and purple pillows on the sofa.

I looked at Tylers face, and I saw he loved it. Before he even sat down he was nodding to show he wanted it. I giggled slightly as I followed Tyler to the desk to sign the papers. We also find a nice lamp and brought the pillows.

They said they would come around with the sofa in 2 days and Tyler tryed nodding behind all the pillows he was holding.

We packed the car and decided to go out to eat. We found a small pizzeria and ordered a ham pizza with pepperoni. As we were waiting

Tyler suddenly blurted out:

"You know its really nice to finally have some stability. I have seen all my friends get women and men, getting married. Hell, some even have kids now. I kind of felt to young for my age. I mean I hang out with 20 years olds mostly. But finally I feel i am my age."

I smiled at him trying to understand. I couldent imagion hanging out with like Tydes friends. So I kinda got where he came from. As I was thinking the pizza arrived and we started the meal.

A/N So I kind of wanted to switch alittle up. So ill count votes in one week (6.9.14) and if I get
15 votes: Upload
20 votes: fluffyness and maybe some Smut
25 votes: hardcore troyler Smut!

Please comment too! It's really a big motivation!

Troyler(a Tyler Oakley and Troye Sivan story)Where stories live. Discover now