Chapter 31

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Dedicated to someone spesial (:

*Troye pov*

I looked over at Zoe and Alfie who were curled up in the other bed sleeping with there arms curved into eachothers.  I saw Joe sitting on the floor texting some girl called Amy. Yes I was a creep.

Tyler had mainly pushed me into his bed and throw me clothes. I tryed sleeping. I honestly did but Tylers eyes were burning in my neck.

After 20 minutes I finally gave up. Joe had fallen asleep, but I knew Tyler wasent. I had slept with Tyler and man that guy made weird noises in his sleep.

When our eyes met I felt an electric shock. He was so beautiful! No, why did I think so.. He had told me he diedent want me. But I couldn't forget him. I knew he was the one for me.

I got snapped back to reality when Tyler put his hand on my head stroking my hair away. I felt my heart beat speed up and I realized Tyler were staring at me. Then he started talking.

He started with saying my name low. It was almost a wisper, like he wanted me but though he couldn't. It was hard knowing we both wanted eachother, but he though it wasent possible.

Tyler said low that he was fine, he was fine without me. But I knew what I wanted. I wanted Tyler and I weren't gonna give up.

I almost got a heartattack as I suddenly heard what Tyler said. Everything had kind of been a blur till now but I heard Tyler said it clear as the sky.

"Troye, you deserve better. But I still love you.. My Angel.." I felt my heart dropping. Tyler though he wasent good enough. I heard Tyler on the edge of tears as he said "Troye, we are oceans apart. Were not even in the same continent. Your 18. Im 24. were on 2 complitly different places in life. Why is it worth trying"

I felt my own tears coming now as I said low "cause..cause I love you Tyler" In the future somewhere I want us. As a thing. I can't stand thinking you'll ever have anyone else Tyler. You don't know the only thing I want is you. No matter how long ill have to wait"

When I were done we were both drowning in tears. I looked over on Tyler saying the only thing I could thing of that would cover all I feel. "Your everything I ever wanted Tyler"

I was kind of all dizzy as I felt Tyler pull me closer mumbling "we are gonna work it out. I promise"

I felt Tylers heartbeat agenst mine as we kissed. I felt fireworks as he kissed me. I mumbled "this feels so right as he started saying the same laughing"

A/N This is a very personal chapter to me so sorry for the sappyness... it will get better, it always will.. x

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