Chapter 2

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The next day


As I wake up, I noticed that the sun has started to rise, noting me that it's time to go meet Jack at the edge of the forest to go hunting again as we usually do everyday. I quickly get out of bed, put on my hunting clothes and I walk out of the room heading downstairs to find my hunting boots.

"Astrid, make sure you come back by 10am with the stuff from the markets and try to catch a deer like your sister said." Mum says as she walks down from the stairs looking very tired.

"I got it, but did you write up the list for me?" I asked.

"Yes I did, it's on the table." Mum said.

"Alright, thanks for letting me know," I said as I put my boots on.

"Good luck hunting out there." Mum said as I walk out of the house and I close the door with no response. After I close the door, I start to walk down the three creaking steps when I see a lot of residents houses have light in them and children are starting off their morning chores.

"Another day of chores..." I mumbled as I open the houses gate, heading towards the edge of the forest where I will meet my best friend Jack.

Jack is a very cool guy. The two of us have been friends for 10 years now and we are very skilled with hunting since we go into the forest outside the district. The thing is, district 12 hardly gets any meat except on harvest season. We only get some extra but apart from that none at all.

This is why I go hunting to get the family some meat for dinner so we don't starve to death. But as I keep walking through the village, I notice that the bakery was open. I never see it open at this time in the morning so I go inside to take a look.

"Good morning!" I say as I open the door and it reveals my old friend Elise.

"Good morning! What are you doing up at this hour?" Elise says.

"I'm just going hunting, the usual," I said.

"You know that my brother really likes you," She said smirking.

"Oh come on, not that again Elise, I am not in the mood for a relationship, I have my family to look after." I said.

"Suit yourself." Elise said as she passes me a small piece of fresh bread.

"On the house, my parents don't mind giving it out on an occasion ." She said smiling.

"Thank you, but can I maybe get a loaf of bread for free later?" I ask.

"I might get in trouble, but I'll ask my mum. Hang on a moment." Elise said as she walks to the back containing her mother baking some goods.

"Mother, can I please give Astrid a loaf of free bread?" I hear her say.

"Yes, it is fine since her mother and I are friends, but only just this time." Her mother said.

"Thank you!" I heard her say and a huge smile spreads on my face.

"I'm guessing you heard?" She said laughing a little.

"Yeah I definitely heard."

"Well, after you go hunting you can come back here and I can give it to you. Then you go off the black markets and get what you need." Elise said. Yes she knows everything I do. Go hunting, all of that stuff.

"Alright, I'll see you later. But remember don't get hurt out there." Elise said.

"I won't, don't worry." I said as I walk out starting to eat the small piece of bread.
And completed chapter 2! Yes I have updated another chapter! Once I get up to chapter 30 of TKTML I will be updating a few more chapters from here. It will get super interesting later on in the book, but remember! I have my own twists in it!


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