Chapter 32

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As Hiccup, had took me in his arms and had ran off, tears had started to fill up in my eyes. I still can't believe that she is going to die for me... She deserves better, like having me killed and have her to survive. But she was loyal enough to do that for me.

"We are nearly at a cave, come on." Hiccup said as the two of us continue to go towards the cave.

"I am in so much pain, you have no idea." I said before I groaned in pain and Hiccup had looked at me in concern.

"I know, I am nearly there just wait a minute." Hiccup said as he had started to go through the entrance of the cave. As Hiccup, had gotten me into the cave, he had put me down in a right position and had started to get some of our supplies out.

"Hey, do you remember Stoick Haddock at the business at all?" Hiccup asked me and I nodded my head.

"Yeah, I do remember, he was.... Your father..." I said and he smiled.

"Yeah, we did meet when we were young, but you don't remember that compared to me." Hiccup said holding my hand a blush spreads on my face. But after a couple of moments later I had heard a cannon fire off and a tear had balled up into my eyes, I think that was Chloe...

"It probably wasn't Chloe..." Hiccup said trying to calm me down but I had started crying.

"It probably was Hiccup... I got 2 people killed..." I said with tears rolling down my cheeks from the pain and suffering that I have caused for 2 families...

"M'Lady, don't worry. Everything is going to be alright..." Hiccup said as he caressed my cheek as I had continued to cry.

"No, it's not! I had killed people Hiccup it-" When I was about to continue raging, I had felt a pair of lips attach to mine which had made me in shock. His lips are attached to mine, this is unbelievable and in the best way possible, I had felt a huge spark happen all over my body, it's saying that it's perfect. But as he had kept kissing me, I had decided to kiss back with as much passion as him, then a few moments later he pulled back with a dark shade of red across his face.

"I am guessing that shut you up..." Hiccup said awkwardly and I had kept blushing.

"I guess so..." I said looking down at my injured leg and Hiccup had sat down beside me.

"D-Did you like it?" Hiccup said, but had noticed that the anthem had come on, so I decided to ignore his question and watch the tributes who were killed, and when Chloe's face came up, tears had rolled down my cheeks.

"I knew that cannon was for her..." I mumbled before I had felt a pair of arms wrapping around me and I had started to cry into Hiccup's shoulder.

"Hey, Hey. She protected you. Even if she was enemies with us, she still trusted you. I am very proud of you M'lady. Very proud." He said before hugging me tighter and I had continued to cry.

After a few minutes, later after I had finished crying, I had looked at Hiccup in shock and sadness. She really didn't deserve that... No one did...

"Do you want to talk about the kiss or?" Hiccup said awkwardly and I shook my head.

"Not right now... maybe we can later..." I whispered before I had gotten up into a better position and I had kept groaning in pain. But after I had groaned in pain, I had heard the news of a falling parachute and my eyes widen.

That could be my medicine...

"Hiccup, go see if that's my medicine." I said and Hiccup had gotten up from his sitting position before he had grabbed a sword just in case and he had walked out of the cave heading towards the parachute and I continued to wait for him.

A couple of minutes later, I had seen him walk back holding the entire parachute and he had passed it to me so I could open it. As I had clicked the button on the side of the parachute, my eyes widen to see that there was medicine again and as well as another note.

As I had passed Hiccup the medicine, I had taken a look at the note and I smiled.

"Hey Princess! Congratulations that you haven't died yet! I literally got a lot of people to get you that medicine so you owe me big time." -H

Thank you, you big dumbass.... Thank you...

[Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! I had decided to update this for Megan, she is officially 14 my little maggot. I hope your day goes great! Love you very much!

But they kissed!!!!!!

;3 How awesome is that!!!


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