Chapter 38

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"Then why don't you come and get it!" I yelled before they had charged at me and I had quickly moved out of way to let them charge into Matthew and I watched his feet rush off from the cornucopia and he had fell onto the ground before the mutations had started to eat him and I heard his screams as I had heard bones starting to crack.

"Astrid!" I heard him scream and I had looked at the two mutations beside me who weren't growling at me, they were just looking at me innocently. But I feel like I recognise one of them... It looked like Rue... The eyes, the colours of the fur, her beautiful green eyes... I feel like it's her...

As I had looked down to Matthew, I had watched his eyes wide open, pleading for assistance, even after what he has done, he deserves peace... Even if it's not in this world, it will be in a safer place... As I had aimed the arrow towards his chest, a couple of tears had rolled down my cheeks to see that an old friend of mine is about to be killed from my final arrow...

"I'm sorry..." I mumbled under my breath before I shot the arrow into his chest and not to hear his screams, to see his skin been torned in all different directions, even on the ground not far away from his corps, it had made me feel extremely heartbroken. He didn't need this... He didn't even deserve to be in the games...

"Astrid, you did a really good thing.... He is at peace now..." I heard a familiar voice behind me and I turned around to see a smiling Hiccup standing there.

"Yeah... but he was an old friend of mine in the past..." I mumbled as I felt Hiccups arm go around me and I had continued to cry quietly. I didn't want to see him killed... I didn't....

"But theres a positive... We won the games..." Hiccup said kissing my forehead and I smiled sadly.

"Yeah... we did..." I mumbled, but I had heard a loud cough from the speakers around the gaming arena and I was in shock when I had heard this...

"The final two.... Congratulations... But the games aren't over yet... the rules have changed, there can only be one victor in the games." The announcer said before it had turned off and Hiccup had let me out of his arms and I had looked at him upset.

"Hiccup.... You deserve to go home..." I said and he shook his head.

"I can't lose you... even if it's in this stupid games... my love is real for you... I can't lose you, I would regret it for my whole life.... I want to marry you, have children one day... I can't!" Hiccup said as a couple of tears rolled down his dirty cheeks.

"Hiccup... just go home... You deserve it... just throw the knife into my chest and then you can find someone else... because I know that you would get over me easily..." I mumbled before I had thrown the knife at him.

"Pretend its practice... throw it into me..." I smiled sadly before I dropped all my stuff and I had gotten into the position like the dummy and I waited for him to aim at me.

"I can't do that to you..." Hiccup said before he dropped the knife and I sighed sadly.

"I guess you aren't a player anymore? Especially after you fell in love with me?" I whispered and he nods before I had grabbed another knife from my belt.

"How about we kill ourselves? We could maybe meet in heaven..." I whispered before I had felt an arm go around my waist and I had put my hands onto his chest, looking at him extremely upset.

"If I do kill myself with you, there's one more thing I want to do." Hiccup said before he brushed his lips onto mine with a lot of passion and I had kissed back with as much passion as him before he pulled away from me and he had grabbed the knife and he pointed it at his chest.


"Ready." I replied before I had started to put the knife close up to my chest when I heard a scream.

"STOP STOP!" The announcer yelled and Hiccup had dropped the knife onto the ground and I had taken it away from my chest.

"The winners of the 74th Hunger Games, Astrid Hofferson and Hiccup Haddock!" He said before the announcer went off and a huge smile spreads on the boy's face.

"WE DID IT!" He yelled happily as he twirled me around and I screamed happily in his arms before we looked up to see a ship lowering itself towards us with a ladder coming down to us and I continued to smile.

"Yeah... we did it..." 

[Hey guys! Here is a new chapter for you all! I hope you enjoy it! I have one more chapter to go before it is completed so I hope you guys are excited about it! Especially since I am doing book 2! (It's being published today or tomorrow) and I really hope your excited for it!


The Hunger Games {Hiccstrid} {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now