Chapter 19

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As one had counted down, all of the contestants had jumped off their platforms and a few of the younger kids had gone towards the cornucopia which stores all of the weapons and supplies which include swords, knives, food, bags with contain sleeping bags, drink bottles and as well as that, the bow and arrow. But it was best not to get it right now, because it is like a trap for the While everyone had ran towards the cornucopia, Astrid had jumped off of her platform and she had looked around the area to see that some of the contestants had ran into different directions into the forest with or without supplies or some of them defending themselves from being killed.

While Astrid goes towards the forest, she had notice that there were dead corps on the ground from the blood bath. It had included 12 tributes. 2 from district 3, 2 from district 6, 2 from district 7, 2 from district 8, 2 from district 9, 2 from district 10. She had felt very sorry for those tributes since they all deserved a better life than this. Especially since the Capitol was just taking 24 tributes each year just to put them into an arena just to  keep the rebellion down is ridiculous!

Espcially since Alex was included in the death's of every tribute in this whole entire Hunger Games history. All she  would rather do is just win the games and come home to be with her family and friends and be rich than just be poor and depressed with out her sister and father in the poor district she calls home.

As I run through the forest, I had started to realise that I just beat a guy for supplies, than straight after seeing the boy get killed from the Career. It makes me feel very glad, but also very guilty. That boy didn't deserve to die, that boy deserved to have these bag of supplies. I should have just ran for it just like a few other tributes in this whole dam arena. But really, what is it worth waiting for? To be killed, or to win this thing?

But really,  this is my territory back home, I can finally show myself off to the Capitol. I can finally show that district 12 isn't this disgusting old place, that we are very athletic and better than anyone in this whole dam country.

"Astrid!" I heard a boy yell and I continued to run faster, I don't want to risk it, even if it was Matthew or Hiccup, it's just in case if it was a Career who was ready to kill me.

"Astrid! It's Hiccup!" I heard Hiccup yell and I stopped running, but as I did, I had crashed into a tree which had caused me to roll down this big hill and I screamed loudly.

"HICCUP!" I yelled before stopping at the bottom of the hill and tears had rolled down my cheeks from the sudden pain that I had all over my body. "Astrid!" I heard another voice which sounded simular and I looked up to see Matthew holding a knife.

"You okay!" He said as he bent down beside me.

"Do I look alright?!" I screeched at him and he helped me up by taking his arm around my waist.

"Let's just sit down for a little while." He suggested but I shook my head.

"I want to keep going, far away from everyone so I can't kill anyone until later in the games." I said looking towards the forest and he had groaned annoyed.

"Fine," He said and the two of us had started to walk towards into the deeper forest.

[I appoligse for the crappy chapter, I was stuck on making the chapter, but I know what to do for the next chapter so stay tuned!



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