Chapter 24

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[Who's excited for RTTE? It comes out in 29 days xD]

While Rue was climbing the tree, Hiccup was watching from a safe distance to see how Rue is going to safe Astrid, or at least get the Careers away. "Just remember the plan, Rue goes and saves her and if she gets bitten by a Tracker Jacker I come in and we run off with the Careers gone..."  Hiccup mumbled to himself as Rue had tried to get Astrid's attention to look up to her.

"Pst!" Rue said as she tries to be loud enough for Astrid to hear. But a couple of moments later, she had turned around to see Rue was standing there in the tree.

"Rue!" Astrid said trying to not be to loud enough for the Career's to awaken from their beauty sleep.

"Hey, glad your still alive." She whispered and Astrid's smile widened to see the young girl just behind her.

"Yeah, me too. Do you know where Hiccup is?" She mouthed to Rue and she pointed over to the tree where Hiccup was hiding and she sighed happily to herself.  'He is okay...' She said in her head before she turned her head over to see that Hiccup was at the bottom of the tree with his handsome smile spread on his face as he watches Rue and Astrid talking.

"You can talk to him later. Right now you need to get out of that tree." Rue mouthed to Astrid and she shook her head.

"But how? The Career's are down there." She mouthed back and she had pointed to the knife which was in Astrid's belt and Astrid's eyes go down to there, then looking back up to Rue looking at her confused.

"Cut the branch, there's a Tracker Jacker's nest." She mouthed to me as she shows signs of cutting the branch and pointing at the Tracker Jacker's nest and the girl smirked widely. 'That's the best idea that I have heard all day.' She thought to herself before she had unraveled the rope tat was around her waist and the tree, but had started to climb higher heading towards the nest to see that there were a lot of single Tracker Jacker's swerving around the nest, going out and in or just going around it to protect it when Astrid had started to get nervous.

She does know how bad these Tracker Jacker's can give, especially since she had gone into the woods and was stung by one. She was sleeping for 4 straight days because of how much Venom had gone into her just by one sting. 'I may as well take the shot.' Astrid had thought before she had gone to the end of the branch, being as far away as possible from those wasps as she had started to cut the branch with her knife.

As she had continued to quickly cut down the branch, a few of the small little Tracker Jacker's had started to notice that Astrid was cutting down their branch and a couple of them had started to aim at Astrid with their stingers, but she hadn't noticed because she was being extremely cautious on the Careers that were down below and how far she had cut into the branch. 

While Astrid was distracted, one of the Tracker Jacker's have flown over to her exposed neck and had stung her which had caused a groan from the young girl.

"My neck..." She mumbled as she had continued to cut the branch, but the other Tracker Jacker had gone straight for her hand which was covering her neck where the first one had stung her. But as the second one had stung her hand, she had bit her lip from the pain of the sting, trying not to wake up the careers and a couple of tears had rolled down her cheeks from the pain that she was in. 

As she had stopped for a couple of minutes, she had noticed that the branch was going to fall since most the branch has been cut off, so she had continued cutting it,  the sound of sawing had occurred in the area from her knife, but it was quiet enough for the career's to wake up. 

But with a few moment's later, the branch had broken off the tree and to watch the sight of all the Tracker Jacker's come out of the flying nest, trying to evacuate the nest or at least attack the people that was under it, the nest had broken on the ground 

But after a few more cuts of Astrid's knife, the branch had broken from it's position taking the nest down with it, but to watch the sight of the nest breaking as it hit the ground, it was terrifying. The Tracker Jacker's had all come out, but to watch the Career's faces and the screams, that had made Hiccup burst into laughter. 

"Come on Astrid come to the other side of the tree and we can get going." Rue yelled as she had started to get down from the tree and Astrid had quickly done the same, but as she jumped on the ground, she had started to feel very dizzy from the venom that the two Tracker Jacker's have gave her. 

"I-I don't feel great..." She mumbled as her sight had started to blur and Hiccup had ran over to the two girls and he grabbed her hand. 

"Wait, Hiccup. Look." Rue said as she pointed at the girl from district 1 who was being surrounded with Tracker Jacker's and being stung every second and a huge smirk spreads on the boys face. 

"That's the girl with the bow and arrows. She still has them." Hiccup said as he points at the bow an arrows that are still in the girls hand and Astrid had smiled weakly. 

"Can you get them for me..." She mumbled and Hiccup nods before he watches her last minute of life become to an end. To see the girl's body puffed up and as well as that, showing off her beautiful sea eyes that were wide open to see that the shock that was given to her, for see thousands of Tracker Jacker's killing her with their venom and to be in so much pain. It would have been a suffering death for her. 

"She looks pretty puffed up." Hiccup said as he grabbed the bow out of her hands and to quickly grab the arrows and the quiver from the girls back, he had quickly walked over to Astrid and Rue and the three of them start to walk away from the scene. 

"I feel like I am going to faint..." She whispered as she had looked around the area again and Rue had stopped in front of her. 

"Come on Astrid, we have a small walk and then you can sit down for a little while..." Rue said and she shook her head. 

"I-I don't think I can..." She said but she had closed her eyes and she had fallen into Hiccup's arms, making Hiccup drop the bow and quiver and some of the bows had came out of the quiver. 

"Rue, can you please grab the bow and quiver with the arrows, were going to a place where we can hide and camouflage and we wait for Astrid to wake up." Hiccup said and Rue nods quickly before she does what Hiccup had told her to do and the two of them had started to walk off with Astrid in Hiccups arms. 

[Hey guys! I apologise for not updating this book in a few days. I had a small problem with writing a paragraph which had made me go off for a couple of days before writing it this afternoon. I hope you guys understand that sometimes writers have difficulties. 

But thank you for waiting. 


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