Chapter 22

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As the morning rises over the arena, Astrid had awoken from her beauty sleep to see her leg mostly healed which had put a huge smile on the girls face. But, she had to look around the area to see if there was any water supply nearby. But as for Hiccup, he was still out like a light. Especially after yesterday, he deserved the good nights rest. 

"Hiccup, I know you sleep in and all at home, but we have to find a water supply." Astrid said taking the rope off of her and she started to climb down to Hiccup's branch. 

"Hiccup!" She yelled into his ear and his eyes open up straight away to see his partner holding onto the tree with her serious game on face on. 

"Yes M'Lady?" He said rubbing one his eyes and the girl rolled her eyes annoyed. 

"Come on, we need to find a water supply before going back up into the trees so that we can find some more food and search for the weapons that we need." Astrid said. 

"Okay," He said with a yawn before unravelling the rope before he waited for Astrid to get off the tree and he did the exact same thing. 

"Now, I need to think. If those 13 people are dead. Than how come the rest haven't come after us?" Hiccup explained and she sighed. 

"I know you can help a lot sometimes, but really, the 9 other people that are still alive are working together up plans, or just hiding away to survive the games." Astrid explained and the boy groaned. 

"That's what I meant." Hiccup explained and she nods in agreement. 

"Yeah, Yeah, let's just go already." Astrid said before she grabbed his hand and the two of them start to walk into the direction where the girl was killed last night. The surprising thing is, the gamer's had left all of the supplies there. But it wasn't anything interesting to collect anyway. Not in Astrid's or Hiccup's opinions. 

"Astrid, what if we get in front of them..." Hiccup whispered and the girl shook her head. 

"I thought you were more braver than this." Astrid said and the boy chuckled. 

"I be cautious sometimes." He said as the two of them continue to walk into the forest. 'But really, who else is still alive?' Astrid thought to herself. Come on like, the list is that we have Hiccup, myself, Fox Face, Chloe, Cato, Fliss, A few from other districts... Rue, Thresh and of course Matthew...' She continued to think to herself, but was startled by the boy yelling. 

"ASTRID LOOK OUT?!" Hiccup yelled before sprinting off into another direction with some of Cato's men chasing him. But still in her mind, she didn't know what event would happen... Could it be her death?

"THERE SHE IS!" Cato yelled which had gotten Astrid's attention and she started to sprint off into the woods, trying to get off their tail. 'Come on Hofferson. You can do this.' She thought to herself as she kept sprinting. 'What do I do? I don't have the bow and arrows. I don't have a knife. Would this be my death?' She thought again. 

"Come on girl of fire. Just give up and we can give you a nice peaceful death," Cato hissed at the girl as she kept running. 

"No way that's happening." She yelled out before looking around the area to find a good enough tree to stay in for the time being. 

"You really should just give up Astrid, I can give your first kiss before you die..." Matthew said wickedly which had caused a shiver to go down her back. 

"Who would kiss you?" She mocked before she went going for a tree which was high and stable enough for her. 

"I know you would," Matthew said smirking and she jumped towards the tree and started to climb it as high as possible. 

"Get her Fliss!" Cato commanded Fliss and she smirked at her partner before she grabbed out her bow and arrows. 

"Let's play a game I like to call... Kill the girl on fire!" Fliss said and the group just burst into laughter before Fliss had started to aim at the girl who was climbing. 

"Cato, I think it's best if you go after her." Fliss said stroking his cheek which had caused the boy to become more concentrated. 

"I can do that for you, Fliss." He said smirking before he started to climb up the tree going straight after Astrid. 

"Come on Asty, you can do it." Alissa whispered as she hugged her mother tightly as they watch their daughter and sister try to escape from them and her mother had looked at the screen with tears in her eyes. 

"I don't know if she will make it Alissa..." She said and a few of the parent's and children turn around to see that her mother wasn't even caring if she died. It's like she didn't care about her at all really. 

"I'm gonna get ya!" Cato said as he continued to climb the tree, but a few more steps later, he had hit a loose branch and he fell from the tree straight to the ground. 

"GET HER FOR GODS SAKE!" Cato screamed at them as he had gotten up by the help of Matthew and the district 1 and Fliss had aimed at Astrid with a huge smirk on her face. 

"Goodbye... Girl of fire!" She said bursting into laughter before aiming at her, but with letting go of the arrow, she had missed her by a small inch which had caused her to make her angry. 


"Why don't we stay here. If we keep attempting to kill her. We will waste our supplies. Especially yours Fliss with your arrows." Matthew explained and Cato gives him a death glare. 

"You know she will have to come down eventually." Matthew stated the fact and Cato nods in agreement. 

"Good idea 12!" He said hitting Matthew's back and the boy looked up to Astrid, winking at her and she scoffed. 

"Yeah right..." She mumbled to herself before getting back onto a branch and she sighed. 

"Did you find that guy from district 4?" Cato said as a couple of the boys came running back and they shook their heads. 

"No we didn't find him," One of the boys said and he growled annoyed. 

"We will find him eventually. But get firewood for the fire and get some water... Because we will be here for a while..." He said before looking at Astrid with a death glare. 

For a long while for sure...

The Hunger Games {Hiccstrid} {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now