Chapter 1

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A/N: ok so here's the lowdown; *takes deep breath* Sam isn't interested in yuki, yuki isn't crazy, salex doesn't exist, chan isn't crazy either, rowan doesnt die, neither does Paul, Grian is already at the school, Ellen doesn't get with Grian, Gareth is already dead and gone,You REALLY love music, Okami doesn't favorite Silly so much, Sam doesn't like Sookie, Sam is still as much of a psycho as ever and I am running out of breath. Done.

Y/N pov
I sat down on the train. My headphones were already on; nightcore version of Til Death already playing. I couldn't wait to move into my late uncle's apartment, I really wanted to see my new school. I didn't know anyone there but that was ok. I was sure I would make new friends. It was night time and I had just gotten off my flight to Japan. It had been a pretty hectic journey just to get this far, having to quickly get a taxi, jump on a plane, more taxis, lots if trains, another taxi, then finally this train. I still had a while to go. I looked down at my Y/P with my favorite phone case on it; Y/P/C. My long H/C hair falling down over my shoulders. I was alone on this train, nobody wanted to be on a train at 11:48pm but I had no choice. After a long wait, the train finally stopped. I was in the first town, the one with the school in it. I grabbed my suitcase and hopped off the train. Pufferfish Pete waved goodbye as the train rolled off to the next station.

I walked over to the map on the station wall and successfully located my house and planned out my route to school, being careful to make sure I could quickly pop into the shop on the way to buy lunch and anything else I might need. Now I thought about it, I did need to buy some extra hairties; the ones I had kept snapping. I turned off my music and took off my headphones, stuffing them into my handbag. The night air was crisp and cool: you could cut the silence with a butter knife. I dragged my suitcase up the steps to street level. I looked out across the darkened town, the only thing illuminating it was the light spilling out from a balcony onto the ground. There was a person sitting on the balcony but I thought nothing of it - it was his balcony after all, why should I care if he decides to go on it late into the night? Tired, I sat on a bench near some trees for quite some time. I soon went home and went straight to sleep after deciding I would start unboxing all my belongings after school the next day.
Why did I stay on the bench so long, you might ask. Well, you see, I was gazing into the night sky stars.

Grian Pov
It was late at night. 12:34am to be exact. I knew I had school the next morning but for some reason I had an urge to be awake. The whole past week my teacher, Okami, had been reminding the class that we were going to have a new student soon and that we should welcome her kindly and treat her with respect. I was sat on my balcony now. I was glad neither of my roommates snored or they would have ruined the blissful silence in the air. They were called Sam and taurtis. They had lived in this town for as long as they could remember but I had just moved here from England a few months ago. Sam had pale skin and brown hair, he also had a pair of bunny ears. I guess it's normal in this town for people to be part, or even whole, animals. One of the girls even had a beard! All the shops, trains, restaurants and entertainment industries were run by 3 fish people: Pufferfish Pete, Crabman Carl and Fish King Freddy. Pete's daughter went to the same school as me, she dated pepe, the homeless frog - her father wasn't too happy about it. Taurtis had extremely tanned skin, dark hair and he was never seen without his headphones that had a red and blue criss-cross pattern on the sides. Me, on the other hand, well I had sandy blonde hair and pale skin (but not as pale as Sam's). I loved music and could sing pretty well if I may say so myself, I also played the guitar.

The city around me was dark apart from the light in my bedroom that poured out onto part of the street below. My room was painted blue. It had a large flat screen TV in the corner that my gamecrab, ps4, WiiU and Xbox1 were all wired up to. It had a black smooth couch infront of it, this had many cushions piled onto it to make it cosy and warm. The doors to the balcony were part of a large bay window that faced toward the seafront, with the train station on one side and the shop and school on the other. I looked over to the train station and I heard a train pull into it. I heard it leave again a few minutes later. Then something strange happened; a girl walked up the steps of the station into the street. She rested her suitcase and handbag on a nearby bench, took a deep breath of fresh air and stretched. Then the cold seemed to get to her as she shivered, wrapping her arms around herself. I felt bad for her, all she was wearing was a short F/C dress that had no sleeves at all. Her long, H/C hair flowed down over her shoulders. She had beautiful, sparkling E/C eyes. She looked like an angel had fallen from the heavens. She wore little red pumps with white bows on her feet. A dazzling sight. She rested on the bench for a while and I went back to what I was doing out on the balcony in the first place; I was gazing at the night sky stars.

A/N: So what do you guys think? Tell me in the comments and don't forget to favorite. I will spend so much more time, love and care in making this story, and the two after it. More updates soon!
This is author~chan signing off! Xox

Night Sky Stars | Grian x Reader | Book 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant