Chapter 3

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Y/N pov
I was asked to introduce myself after rolecall. "Hi, my name is Y/N and I...I like music and singing and um...I play the violin...Umm....I did ballet lessons when I was a kid....Umm" I was trying to fight back tears, every words said about myself reminded me of my childhood, and that just made me think if the people in the photos on my desk. The people who made my childhood. The people who are..gone.."Umm...I want to be a kindergarten teacher....or um...a computer scientist.....when I graduate..." my tears finally started to leak out.
That boy from across the street called out from his seat "Y/N are you ok?"
"What's happening? What's wrong?"
"..." I stood at the front.
"It's ok, you don't have to speak if you dont want to" miss Okami told me.
"..." My body went on lockdown mode. I couldn't speak or move.
"Is she ok?" somebody said.
"Grian you said you saw her yesterday, didn't you? Do you know what could lead to this?" Miss Okami asked.
"No miss" the boy said. So he's called Grian I thought.
"I....I'm...ok..." I managed to get the words out of my mouth. "Just" I sat down.
Grian wrote something on a small bit of paper and slid it to me with his foot along the floor. I mock dropped my pencil so I could reach down to get the paper;
| are you ok? What |
| just happened?     |
| please tell me        |
|you didn't get hurt|
|did you? - Grian     |
I read it and turned it over to write my reply;
|I'm fine. It's nothing|
|that important. If     |
|you have to know,   |
|meet at lunch, I will|
|tell you alone- Y/N   |

He wrote again;
| your number? We    |
|can text if you don't  |
|feel confident             |
|enough to say it out  |
| loud -Grian                |
I replied with my number.
"Grian and Y/N, Pay attention to the lesson!" Miss Okami scolded us, we stopped writing notes.
When the lesson was over I went to the bathroom to hide, when Grian texted me I went to meet up with him.

Grian pov
After rolecall, Y/N was asked to introduce herself. She started off confident but the more she said, the more shy she seemed to get until she just stopped altogether. We tried to wake her from this weird coma-like trance but it took a while. I was so relieved when she finally said
I wanted to run up to her and hug her even though I barely knew her. Part if me felt like we had met before, or maybe it was just something about her that makes you want to be around her. We started passing notes, agreeing to meet at lunch and we even exchanged numbers. The bell rang and we went to meet up at lunch.

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