Chapter 7

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Y/N pov
I never wanted to let him go again. I lost him once already, throwing me into a world if darkness, no light to be found. Now he was here, hugging me, holding me, in love with me again. Hope was here, light was all around me. One step closer.

"Grian, I will never leave your side again, I promise.."
"Y/N I will stay with you for the rest of time.."
No more words needed to be said. When we finally stopped hugging, he gave me my crutches and held my hand.
"I don't want to go home..." I said through my tears of joy.
"Let's not then. It's sunset, let's watch and wait for the stars"
We walked, hand in hand, to the cliff top. We sat on a bench and watched the undying sun set over the water, making the sea sparkle beautifully; casting a gradient of yellow through orange, through pink across the sky. As it disappeared under the horizon, the sky turned purple then indigo, the same shad as my locket. Glistening stars twinkled in the night sky. This was where we had met. My uncle always let me explore the town alone, and Grian's parents had let him do the same. We both had wanted to watch the sunset, and ended up in the same place. We talked for what seemed like forever as the sun dipped below the waves and the distant stars lit the night sky like tiny lanterns.

Now, many years later, we were reunited. Sitting under those same stars, we were able to love again. I will be brave. I will not let anything take away who's sitting right next to me. Every breath, every hour has come to this. The clocks struck 11pm as we walked home together. Time was cruel, but now it gave in, providing us with light, hope and love.

Grian pov
I guided Y/N home and supported her as she walked. I didn't want her in hospital again. Once, when we were younger, she had fallen down the stairs and ended up in an ambulance. I sat by her side the whole time. It was strange how, when reunited, we unintentionally relived memories that we had forgotten we had.

When we got back to my house, Sam and taurtis were still awake.
"Guys, we're home!" I shouted.
"Oh hey Grian, and...Y/N? Where have you been?" taurtis asked.
"Well I went to go and get something special to me. To us in fact." she responded.
"To you and Grian? But you barely know eachother." Sam replied.
We had to go through the whole story of our childhood, and how we really had known eachother all along, how we believed we would find eachother once more. By the end, the two boys sat in silence.
"Grian gave me this locket when he confessed his feelings for me. I lost it one day, the last time I saw him, that's what I was going to get when I hurt my leg.'' Y/N finalized.
"So you guys are together now?" taurtis questioned.
"Yep" I said.
"Like together, together?" Sam had to ask.
"Uh huh" Y/N told them.
I looked at the clock. 2:16am. We decided we had all better go to bed. I helped Y/N get to bed safely and turned out her light.
"Goodnight Y/N" I whispered.
I didn't think she heard me but she did because I heard her say:
"Goodnight Grian, I'm glad time brought your heart to me once again..."

I slept well that night, knowing I had found my best friend, the love of my life even, once more. I dreamed that me and Y/N were stood in snow. It was up to our knees. We were having fun but then Y/N walked to a large pile of snow, claiming she would turn it into a snow sculpture. She was succeeding at this when suddenly it fell on her. She was buried under the cold snow, when I dug through looking for her, she was nowhere to be seen. I screamed in emotional pain.

I woke up covered in sweat, and saw Y/N standing beside me.
"Are you ok? You were making weird noises, like you were screaming but your mouth wouldn't open."
"Yeah I'm fine..just a horrible nightmare...Wait, how did you get up here? I thought you couldn't climb the stairs, even with crutches."
"It was a struggle, but I made it in the end, I was on my way back from the bathroom when I heard you. I came to see if you were ok, but you woke up as I got near you"
"Thanks for being kind by coming in and everything, but you didn't have to go out of your way to check on me"
"I didn't want to see you upset, that's all..." she then noticed me sweating. She put the back of her hand on my forehead. "You don't look too good and your temperature is way above normal. I think you may have contracted a fever. I'll go get a cold flannel for your head." She left the room and I heard her turn on the bathroom taps.
"Wow..she noticed before I did...even went out of her way to help...what a miracle girl.."

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