Chapter 2

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Y/N pov
I awoke to find myself in the room my uncle had made for me when I visited him, it was my house now though, so now it was properly my room. It had pale pink walls, rosewood flooring and a purple rug. The bed was a black metal-framed cabin bed with pale blue bedsheets. Underneath was my white wardrobe,drawers and purple desk. On the desk was a framed photo of my whole family. My Aunt and Uncle from my Mom's side of the family, my Uncle from my Dad's side if the family, my Nana and Grandad were all stood around my Mom and Dad who were lifting up a 5-year-old me. Engraved on the frame were the words love forever,always together,alone never. Another framed photo of my Mom and Dad was engraved with the words nothing is ever lost to us as long as we remember it. The one if my uncle said proud of you. A photo of my Aunt and Uncle was engraved with the words don't forget us. The last picture was of my Nana and Grandad. It said shine like the stars.

The pen pot was tipped over on its side, pens spilled over sheets off paper that had a small child's drawings on them. Each one had 'Y/N' written at the top. The shelf above the desk was covered in various trinkets and smalls gifts, such as a small jar of 'fairy dust' or a toy pink phone or a little hand-painted unicorn figure, that my family members had bought for me. This, and the bathroom, were the only 2 rooms not piled high with boxes that I had filled with my belongings when I moved house. The balcony doors were open, the pale pink curtains blowing gently in the wind beckoning me forwards. The 7 windchimes around the balcony played a melody of my childhood, my purple heart-shaped dreamcatcher's white fluffy feathers and pale heart shaped shells fluttering with the morning breeze. I stepped onto the balcony. Plants and flowers grew all around me, my small table and 2 chairs silently begging to be used again.

I shut the balcony doors and curtains. This was not the time to be mesmerized by memories, I needed to go to school. I put on my uniform and packed my Y/S/B. I put in a bento, my gym kit, my pencilcase and the little jar of 'fairy dust' that my Mom had bought me. I knew it was just glitter but I wanted to believe in the hopes it would bring me luck like it always had when I was a child. I didn't want to be seen as a nerd and be super early for school but I didn't want to be late either so I went back out to my balcony to wait for others to go so I could be at the same time as them. I looked up from the street floor to see that boy on the balcony across the street again. I think he saw me last night too because he waved to me when he saw me. I smiled and waved back. When he set off with his 2 friends I did too. We didn't talk though, maybe his friends dont even know I live across the street. I arrived at school and found out that my locker and seat were next to him, best coincidence ever.

Grian pov
I finally got to sleep that night but was soon awoken by Sam. I tried to make excuses for not going to school but then I realised that girl might be there so I got up and dressed, I wanted to know who she was, there was something mysterious about her.  I forgot all about going to the shop that morning but by the time I realised, it was too late. Well at least that girl's locker is next to mine, her seat is too!

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