Chapter 9

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Y/N pov
I blinked my eyes open as my phone alarm went off. I turned it off and looked around at where I was. Slightly freaking out, I realised I was in Grian's room. Then I remembered what happened the night before and calmed down. I was about to get up and leave when I heard someone ''Goodmorning  Y/N. How was your sleep? I hope that chair didn't make it uncomfortable to sleep."
"Oh hey Grian. Didn't you have a fever?" I said running over to check his temperature again. I put the back of my hand on his forehead.
"Huh?" I wondered. His fever was completely gone now. How was that possible?
"I'm fine now, you don't have to worry about me," he told me, "we should be worrying about you! You're the one with crutches after all."
"Oh doesn't really matter.."
"Yes it does. It hurts me to see the most special person in my life hurt."
It was at that moment Grian realised,* Sam had been watching and listening the whole time.

Sam pov (didn't see that one coming, did ya? Did Ya? DID YA? Why am I so overexcited, I am so sorry)
I stood there in Grian's doorway, I couldn't believe what I just saw.
"So are you two a thing now or.... I should just go.."
"Umm...." Y/N seemed embarrassed.
"Yeah, why does it matter to you?" Grian stated.
"Because you two are my friends, our friends!" I said ,pulling taurtis into the veiw of the other two. I was shocked, it wasn't like Grian to fall in love with someone after one day! I understood why he had invited Y/N to stay for a while but was this REALLY happening? Had I just lost one of my best friends to some weirdo woman? She even sang to him for flip's sake!

Taurtis pov (didn't see that one coming either, did ya? Did Ya? DID Y- im sorry again)
Unlike Sam, I remembered that I had known Grian since those holidays he spent here, I had known a girl called  Y/N and her uncle pretty well too, but all those memories were list to Sam. Is saw the locket around Y/N's neck. Was it her? The three, and sometimes Sam came too, of us had so many fun times together back then, and I knew how Grian had felt about her. Sam ranted on and on, yelling at the pair of them. I paid no attention to what Sam had said, and I knew Y/N's train of thought was going in a similar direction to mine. She knew it was me, I knew it was her, Grian knew it was us, all reunited once more.
"Sam?" I said
"What Taurtis??!"
"He knew her for more than one day....I knew her for more than one day....You knew her for more than one day...."
"What are you saying?"
"It's Y/N! Remember that girl we used to be friends with? That girl me and Grian hung out with all the time but your dad didn't let you go? That girl who broke her arm? The one who Grian gave a Diamond locket to?! That girl is Y/N! Can't you remember?!"
"I...remember... I remember her... I remember watching the waves one day, just the four of us when we finally convinced my dad..." he said. He seemed hurt by his own thoughts.
Y/N broke the silence, but not in a very polite way.
"Powers of friendship, Go!" she yelled, waving one of her crutches in the air and doing a sort of sailor moon like impression. She promptly fell over into a pile of cushions that Grian kept for when he used his couch.
"I'm fine" we heard her muffled voice come from below the cushions and she waved one of her crutches out of the pile to prove it.
Everybody burst into laughter, even Sam. What a great start to the day.

A/N: so how was this chapter? Sorry for no update yesterday, I normally update atleast once a day on this book and once a week on the taurtis x reader. Also, sorry for no Grian pov, that will be in most chapters, I promise! Have a wonderful day!
-this is author-chan, signing off! xox

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