Chapter 12

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A/n; the flow of time is basically a 3rd person overview, just so you know.

-·-Flow of time-·-
Time passes. Y/N's leg is eventually healed. A great thunderstorm hits the town and school,shops and trains are closed due to the serious conditions. It is advised that nobody leave their houses until further notice. Y/N and the boys had previously taken turns in living in eachother's houses. One week, they lived in the 3 boys' house, the next in Y/N's house and so on and so forth. They helped Y/N to redecorate her house and properly move in. Sam, taurtis and Grian now have their own rooms in her house. At the time of the storm, they are stuck in the boys' house. Grian gazes out of a window. Rain slashes against any surface it comes into contact with. It feels like tiny needles are stabbing you when you walk outside. Mixed in with this is hail, small pellets of ice that are thrown down upon the earth with great force. The wind howls in the air. Nobody knows if the upcoming christmas will be celebrated anymore. Sam and taurtis, like everyone else in the town, sit among piles of blankets as they play board games because all TV signal is down. One morning, they awake to find Y/N's coat, rain boots, umbrella and locket missing, along with Y/N herself. Worried for her life due to the storm, Grian risks his own safety to look for her.

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