Chapter 5

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Y/N pov
In the ambulance he sat behind me. I felt I had been in this situation before, but I knew I hadn't. Despite the paramedic's best efforts, blood still slowly trickled from my leg. I blacked out.
Muffled voices still could be heard but I didn't know who they were from, or where I was.
"Y/N? Y/N?!"
"Don't panic, we are neatly at the hospital. Nurse.." I couldn't hear the name. "..Apply pressure to the wound. Now the oxygen" I felt something get placed over my face. Some kind of mask maybe?
"Is Y/N going to be ok?"
"Yes Grian, she will be fine when we get her into the treatment room in accident & emergency. You can sit in the waiting room if you'd like or you can come in with us if you're not squeamish. We'll have to give her painkiller injections, that makes many spectators feel uncomfortable"
"But what are you actually going to do about her leg??"
"We'll most likely disinfect it, and stitch it up."
the last word I could hear was an unsure sounding 'ok'.
I felt myself being placed on a bed and being wheeled from room to room after they took me out of the ambulance.

Grian pov
Y/N had been unconscious for a while now. Alot of blood had gushed from her wound earlier and I feared the worst. The doctor was called Dr Jackson. He went to go and get more antiseptic to 'cleanse the wound' before he would give her painkillers and sew her up. When he left the room i gave my final attempt at waking her. I didn't know why I was doing this. I had only just met her today, or yesterday if you count seeing her on the street.
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I had no more words. I hugged her sleeping body. But that was all I needed - I could feel a pulse! There was still hope!
"Y/N can you hear me? Y/N it's me Grian. I'm here for you. I always will be, I promise!"
With no response ,my mind rushed to worst case scenario again. I held her hand. It was cold and still. I felt like I would burst into tears at any moment. Little did I know, she had heard everything, but couldn't respond.

Her eyes fluttered open.


"Y/N! Thank Gord you're ok!"
I burst into tears.
"Don't cry..." she said. She pulled a handkerchief from her pocket and with all the strength she had left, she reached her other hand up and dried my eyes.
Dr Jackson walked back in.
"Oh good, nice to know you're awake Y/N. Im going to sew that nasty cut closed. I'll just disinfect it first," he said, disinfecting Y/N's leg, "ok now im going to have to give you a painkiller in injection form."
"A...An injection?..." Y/N stammered.
I could see in her eyes that the needle scared her.
"It's ok Y/N, I'll be here" I comforted her. The Dr brought the needle to her arm. I didn't want to look but I did, for Y/N's sake. Tears pricked the back of Y/N's eyes. After the injection, her leg was stitched up and put in bandages, we were escorted out of the hospital. I was the first to sign Y/N's bandage. I wrote: Here for you, get well soon - Grian :)
I helped her walk.
"Where to now?" I asked.
"I don't really know, theres so much of this town to see, but they are all filled with memories of my friend...the one I said about earlier..."
"How about we take you home?"
"Sure" she said weakly. When we reached her house, she tried to climb the stairs to get some rest in her room or the spare room but even with my help it just wasn't safe for her. Even if she did get up, we couldn't be sure she would make it back down again in one piece. I invited her to stay with me, Sam, and taurtis. Y/N gladly accepted, thanking over and over again.

I walked up to her room to retrieve her suitcase that she had repacked from yesterday. She told me she always did that for just in case reasons. This certainly came in useful.

I gently pushed open the door to her room. This place was different compared to the rest of the house. It was somewhat familiar..
The air was still here apart from the curtains that flowed gently with the clam wind. The balcony was just across the street from mine but I had never noticed, probably because I didn't use my balcony often. When I did it was normally to read or, as I did last night, stargaze into our beautiful night sky stars.

Flowers grew all around and there was an overgrown black metal table and 2 chairs go with it. It was't a messy kind of overgrown, it was more beautiful; like something from a movie. Windchimes quietly twinkled all around me, I had never noticed this noise before but, like the rest of the room, it was all to familiar to me. A purple heart-shaped dreamcatcher fluttered above me.

I quickly snapped out of my daze when I heard
Y/N call out.
"Grian did you find it??"
"Got it!" I replied, grabbing her suitcase and rushing down to her. We left for my house, our guest room was on the bottom floor.

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