Chapter 15

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Y/N pov
Darkness. Dark, dark and more dark. I saw blackness. Nothing else. Is this what it feels like to be....dead?...

Grian pov
I grabbed a gun from my back pocket.
"Back off". Those two words are all that need be said. The barrel of the gun is pointed right at the poacher's head. He takes a few small and slow steps back and then flees through the forest, breaking into a run.

"Coward." I say to his turned back.

The sight of a bleeding, poisoned, unconscious Y/N makes me feel sick with rage. What has happened to our beautiful life? As soon as she recovers, if she ever does (and I hope she will), me and Y/N will move into our own house. I love her with all my heart. I love her more than you can imagine. I hate seeing her hurt.

Sam pov
"Uhh...." I never knew Grian had a GUN. I'm shocked, honestly.

Taurtis pov
Ok what just happened? I think Y/N might be a magic deer lady or something like that and now she's been shot by a poacher. I think that's right?.. I really dont know but we need to do something.
"Guys let's get this sleeping beauty home or something!!"
"Ok but don't you ever call MY GIRL a beauty again. I won't have you try to steal her again. I've told you over and over but I've seen your little pre-prepared love notes. It's sickening"

I roll my eyes and set about getting her home. It takes a while and we worry that she might get too cold and wet but the rainstorm seems to pity us and calms just enough that there isn't much wind or rain, but it is still there. Not gone get.

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