Fag en Balach

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We won this war,
We feel like we can soar.
Foes of war,
Fag en Balach!

The guns are piled at the door,
Nukes cover the entire floor.
Friends of enemies,
Foes of war,
Fag en Balach!

Today we march onward,
Crossing along the wooden boards.
Fire the guns,
Friends of enemies,
Foes of war,
Fag en Balach!

The day is settling down,
The golden sun is showing its crown.
Fire the cannons,
Fire the guns.
Friends of enemies,
Foes of war,
Fag en Balach!

We've worked hard men,
To keep the war rounded up in the pen.
Sound the drums.
Fire the cannons,
Fire the guns.
Friends of enemies,
Foes of war,
Fag en Balach!

Today was forever a holiday,
At least that's what we're believed to say.
Sound the Battle cry,
Sound the drums.
Fire the cannons,
Fire the guns.
Friends of enemies,
Foes of war,
Fag en Balach!

They see the flag,
They see the horse.
Sound the Battle cry,
Sound the drums.
Fire the cannons,
Fire the guns.
Friends of enemies,
Foes of war,
Fag en Balach!

The part Fag en Balach is Irish, it comes from an old Irish tune that was sung by the Irish people that served in the Civil war. I made this piece to honor them, especially since Veterans Day is on Friday, November 11th, 2016. To any families that had a member in the Civil war and was Irish, this poem/song is dedicated to you.

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