Scared and in Love

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darkperson111 hi

You hold onto my arm tightly,
it feels as if you almost don't want to let go.
As if you're scared that if you do...
I'll slip away.

I'm scared of slipping away.
I don't WANT to.
You, hanging onto my arm, makes my body tingle.
With love. Happiness.
But I'm scared of that feeling.
Last time I felt that, I was hurt.
Not only emotionally, but in other ways too.
You're breaking through my walls and I don't know what to do!

I just sit there.
I let you lay your head on me.
Inside, I'm panicking.
I don't want to hurt you,
yell at you,
push you away.
But I'm calm on the outside.
You're keeping me grounded like an anchor.

I panic too because I'm scared if people find out.
The world is such a cruel place and I don't want...
I don't want you hurt.
I can't stand to see you cry,
and it would break me if it was my fault.

But then I remember.
I'm here, with you, right now.
That's the present. Those problems are the future.
My mind washes away those dark thoughts
and focuses on you.

You came at such an important time....
I was so ready to give up.
You gave me hope. You reminded me what love is.
Now, I can't stand leaving.
I don't plan on it.
Even if I'm scared and in love,
I won't run away from you.
Because you are what I see in my future.

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