Dear Dad.

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Dear dad,
Do you ever think about me?
How you hurt me?
How I'll never be the same,
All due to you?
Do you even still care about me?
Do you even truly love me?
Would you take a bullet for me?
You hurt me, mentally,
And physically as well.
You haven't called in over a year now.
I miss you sometimes.
I deep down do love you, somewhere.
But right now,
All I feel towards you,
Is hate.
I miss hanging out with my siblings.
Deja and Blayne.
They didn't deserve this.
You ripped us apart.
I'll probably never get to see them, again.
Do you hate me?
Did I do something wrong?
Am I not good enough for you?
Are you sure Bree loves me?
Am I truly your child?
Mom says I am.
I don't even know who is right.
Not anymore.
I miss going to the lake.
I miss playing on the trampoline.
I miss playing on the Xbox.
I miss my siblings.
I wanted to tell them I loved them.
I never got a chance.
Not a single one.
Why did you walk out 3 times?
Each time hurts more and more.
It's hard to see other kids,
Laughing with their fathers,
Playing with their fathers.
Singing with their fathers.
I cry because of it.
Did you even know I got in stuff?
Honour Choir,
I won the Geography Bee,
I play piccolo as well now,
I write stories,
And you weren't there,
Were you?
You haven't been there for me.
When I suffered depression.
When I broke my wrist.
When I started hating the world.
You weren't there.
I always get asked where you are.
I have to make up lies.
I hate lying.
Yet you don't know that do you?
Oh I know why,
You aren't here.
You've constantly left jobs.
It's hard on mom and I.
We can barely make it by.
So now as I say goodbye,
Hear me this.
I don't hate you,
But I also don't love you.
One day, I'll understand.
But until that day comes,
I don't even know.

Your Daughter,

So umm, yeah. This was a message to my father. I just want someone to understand, I can't talk to anyone about it because no one understands. Everyone says it's okay. It's not okay.

But anyways.

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