I couldn't hear you

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"You're too loud"

"You sing too loud"

"Oh she must be a special needs"


"You laugh too loud"

"Can you learn to quiet the hell down?"

All of these comments I get at least once a day.
Hurtful comments.
Most people would shrug at these, but they hurt more for me.
I speak loud because I can't hear.
I sing loud because I can't hear.
I laugh loud because I can't hear.
And I'm NOT a special needs!
But oh no, If I say something's too loud,
it's just fine for everyone else.

I was born with this,
and I hate having to wear these godawful earpieces.
Those stupid hearing aids.
I hate them.
I hate what they remind me of.
I hate that they're a constant reminder that I'm not normal.

But then I remember the why.
Why I have them
Why I use them.
They help me hear as close as possible to perfect hearing.
I'll never know what it's like to hear every sound,
but I get to hear some.

Somedays are worse than others.
Sometimes, I have to read people's lips to understand.
I learned some sign language too, basics.
I might ask you to repeat something,
but it's not because I was ignoring you,
I just simply couldn't understand what you said.

I'm lucky to be able to make music.
I'm lucky to be able to talk.
To sing.
Even to just be able to laugh.
I may only have about 50% of normal hearing,
but that's 50% better than nothing.

So next time,
think before you try judging someone.
It might just be that they're like me.

Kenn's Book Of PoemsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora