A.N.|Linkin Park

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Hi, this isn't an update. I needed to get out how I felt about this.

Chester killed himself today. I broke down after hearing this earlier today. Linkin Park is one of the many bands I was raised on as a child, and I've always held a special place in my heart for hybrid theory. I woke up to the news being all over Twitter and my friend Vonicator told me. I didn't want to believe it, and I thought it was just some sickening joke. But no, it was extremely real. I know that Chester has battled depression in the past, but he could've fought harder.

If anyone needs someone to talk to, I am always here. I've dealt with Suicidal thoughts, depression, and severe anxiety. I know what it's like. I know how controlling it is.

What Chester left behind was his alternative rock lecacy for future generations to hear. Linkin Park is one of those bands that you can never forget. They're a legend, and legends rarely ever die. He also left behind his friends and family. My thoughts and prayers are going out to them right now.

R.I.P Chester Bennington
You will never be forgotten.

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