Help my sinning soul

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*is waiting for Lord Death to take her soul* GO ON!! I'VE SINNED TOO MUCH!!!!

Now Royed has popped up in my life..... Help me. Also, wear headphones, dis be BLCD's while being dj's. LuzBrightStar read them. I swear to hell I need help.

Part 1 outta 4.

Part 2 outta 4

Part 3 outta 4

And part 4

My reaction?

"Dear great lord Satan, I have sinned to much on this perfect night of Monday November 7th, 2016. If you need a new soul, I am the newest soul. Therefore, you can take my soul. But, first let me finish every single anime I wanna watch, then you can take it." I prayed while watching the whole series of "Blue Flames [Royed drama + dj]"

I litterally prayed to Satan. I am so sorry......

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