Head over Heels(trigger warning)

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(Warning: I might trigger followers with the words, do not get offended. I'm just saying what I need)

Read the title before continuing.

I'm head over heels for Kim Taehyung........ Literally.

I'm listening to Stigma so I can find out if it's true, it is. My heart is beating fast.

What should I do? I know Tae can never love me back because of reasons. I'll name them.

Kim Taehyung doesn't know I exist
He doesn't know me by personality
He has never spoken to me
He doesn't know I stalk him
He doesn't know what I do

He doesn't even know my voice

Sad, I know. But it's the thruth. I know HE exist but he doesn't know I exist. It's sad to know that someone you TRULY love doesn't know you exist. My heart actually is aching while writing this.

It's painful, seeing the one you want to be with date someone else while you're patiently waiting for a breakup. If it was up to me, I'd do the same. I would date but wait for the right one. The one who is like me. The one who gets me. Which comes to be Taehyung.

We are the same. He likes anime, I like anime. He is wierd, I am weirder. He is an alien, so am I. He can sing very well in both languages and Japanese, so can I. He can hit hight notes, so can I. But I can't be with him. An Idol and fan relationship will never work out. We both have suffered our life's with sad things, him loosing his grandmother when on tour and me watching my grandma DIE RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY EYES.

It's depressing that I can't meet who I love. And that you're being stalked and people call you. I just got called by a Private number, I don't know who it is. I don't know who calls me. Guys....... I can't go on with my life like this......

My life is a fucking mess. I have an abusive older brother, I'm ignored, I'm a trophy, I still show symptoms of depression. And I'm starting to show signs of an eating disorder. I'm basically at BTS weight. *dryly chuckles* And they are around 148 pounds. I weigh the exact same thing. And they are skinny while I'm fat. I'm also starting to show signs of insanity, bloodlust, bipolarity and multiple personality disorder. I can't even with life anymore. I'm a mix of everything bad in this fucking cruel world. I feel my sanity slipping bit by bit. The stress of being up to high standards is reaching to me, it's making wanna become a NEET.

I've been trying for years to shut myself away from human contact. I try to push my family away, I try to be busy on whatever I have on me. I just can't seem to shake off these people. They want me to be a human, I'm not human. I'm something else...... I enjoy somethings that they don't understand. I don't care that Mike is graduating, I don't care about dads birthday, I don't care about my life anymore.

I just wanna dissapear. Can someone help me vanish from my family? I know how to commit murder, I sadly don't know how to disappear. Someone save me from my pathetic life. I don't want this anymore!! I WANT TO LEAVE THIS FAMILY AND BE WITH THE ONE I LOVE! I WANT TO FEEL THE HAPPINESS I HAD ONCE MY GRANDMOTHER WAS ALIVE! I WANT HAPPINESS AGAIN! I'M NOT HAPPY HERE, I'M MISSERABLE! I NEED TO LEAVE THIS WORLD! I DONT WANT TO LIVE HERE ANYMORE! SOMEONE JUST SAVE ME!

I need someone to love, to cherish, to promise I won't let go of..... Someone who loves me for me...... Who thinks of me as pretty without makeup and fake padded bras. Who loves me for the body hair I have, for the raging hormones I produce. Who thinks I'm his world. Who thinks I'm not worthless. Who believes in me and what I do for my life. Someone who just loves me for me...... Not for what society wants.

Maenaemayham AliensAndPlushies Nerdy_Purdy

This is my confession to you Kim Taehyung

I love you with my heart and soul. I can't stop thinking of your beautiful boxed smile, your perfectly adorable eyes, your silly side, your voice in English, your imperfections, your cute cheeks and everything about you. I need you, Kim Taehyung. You complete the weirdness I have. You and I seem like polar opposites upon seeing but once meeting, we get each other. You are perfect without makeup. I am not, I am just a disaster created by God. He made a mistake upon creating me, I shouldn't love you but I couldn't help myself. If you see my makeup, you'd think why I have this. I have it because I'm not as confident you with how I look without it. You are perfect in my universe, you are whatever you are. You and I are mostly meant to be but I can't love you the way you show your love for Bangtan. I just can't. It hurts me to say I can't love you but I do Taehyung. No one understands me as well as you, although we haven't met.

Tae, just know, I love you so much that you have no idea. I love you more than I love myself. I love you more than I hate my life. I just love you, Kim Taehyung. One day I wish to say this to you, face to face. That day I know will never come. I know and feel that you will turn down my confession because of how Big Hit is. But just know. I FUCKING LOVE YOU, KIM TAEHYUNG!

I LOVE YOU MORE THAN THE STARS IN THE GALAXY! No ones love for someone else's can compare to my love for you. I really truly love you, you fucked up beautiful alien/angel that was sent to this cruel, unfaithful earth by the heavens! I fucking love you, you bias wrecking bitchy bitch sassy man. I know this would never work out with our age differences, but love is everything but a number. You are the world I need, Taehyung.


There, I confessed.

This is the song I give you. The song I wish you could read this with.

Please, someone, send this to him and give him my love. Just know that Kim Taehyung.

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