Merry Christmas and birthdays!

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*everyone wakes up* WHAT?!

It's Karma,Shinoa,Levi and Victor Nikiforov's bday! So here ya go! *hands them ze presents*
Karma: *opens his* Wow! A knife set! Ari, you bought me this?
Yep, my husband deserves THE gift from his wife. And, we all know how much you love knifes.
Karma: True.

Shinoa: *opens her gift* A manga version of Boku no Pico?
Yep. Cause I fucking want you to suffer. No one ruins my ship.

Victor: *opens his gift* Amazing! It's a plushie of Macchachin and another pair of skates! And couple clothing?
Well my Victuri has sailed, so I give you couples clothing for you and Katsuki. So enjoy~!

Levi: *open his with tea* A tea set and some langerie? Ari, the fuck?
Well you love tea and you fuck Eren almost every day. So you must be top or bottom sometimes!

Also, I watched the trailer for season 2 of AOT. IT LOOKS AWESOME!!!!! And Kaji Yuki is back!!!!

There are more Titan shifters and the Armored and Colosal Titans are back!
Levi: How the hell are you happy? Me and Eren might die.
I know, but I know Hasijama won't kill either of you. Eren is the main character and you are like a main cast character. So he won't kill you. If he does, I swear to all hell I will make him pay. And I think you got your hair dyed blonde..... Idk.

And I re watched the trailer for the movie, BB, and I re watched the trailer for season 2, Ao no Exorcist, and Tokyo Ghoul might get a season 3, Tokyo Ghoul: Re.

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