50 shades of Bangtan

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AliensAndPlushies doesn't House of Cards sound like a 50 shades song?

I mean c'mon!! It sounds like it!

I NEED TAE!!! Makqheiwipsjwiw

SOO MUCH FIFTY SHADES LIKE THINGS!!!! I'm now thinking dirty.

Oh hell yeah I am. Please oppa, fuck me in my brain!

I now have a scenerio in my head.

Ari walked to her room, slightly exhausted from the dancing done today. She saw Taehyung in her room, playing with his fingers. "Oppa?" She questioned the older male. Said male looked up at the girl and walked towards her. He kept walking and Ari walked back, hitting a wall. He put his arms next to her head, bending at her level. He leaned into her neck and licked part of it, earning a mewl from the girl. He looked at her from the side of his eyes and smirked. He kissed the spot where he had licked. He opened his mouth and Ari saw how his fangs had become a bit longer. He bit into Ari's sensitive pale skin and heard the girl mewl again. "T-Tae!" She gasped as he started sucking blood out out the wound. "T-Tae! S-stop it!" Ari moaned a bit, feeling a small bit of pleasure. "T-Tae..." She started feeling lightheaded, Tae pulled back and licked the blood off the wound. He saw the girl sigh and sway side to side. She almost fell face first when she tried to walk. Tae grabbed her waist and legs and carried her to bed, bridal style. She had her eyes almost closed, as if she was gonna pass out in Tae's face. "I couldn't resist myself, Ari. Your blood is too delicious." Tae told the girl who had passed out in his arms, smiling softly. Tae tucked her in and walked out of the room quietly. All the other members stared at Taehyung, who had a line of blood down his right lip. Their eyes changed to a darker shade than they already were, as in wanting blood. "Tae, resist yourself a bit more. Poor girl's not gonna live for another week if you drain her." Jin wiped the blood down his chin with his thumb and licked it. His eyes glowed with hunger. "Her blood..... Is just perfect......" Jin smiled crazily.
.....[To be continued..]

No, that is NOT gonna be a fanfic, just oneshots in a few chapters.

I'm gonna go and see The Rings on Sunday! Fuck scary movies! Me and Tae are pussies!! We HATE horror movies but since Team Pandicorns( a chat and group the squad created) invited me I'm gonna go. So yeah! I'm gonna shit my pants if I see a jumpscare.

And now Gabe's being a dick and saying I'm getting an iPhone 5 instead of an iPhone 5S. FUCKTARD.

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