He Has A Soft Side

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I looked myself over in the floor length mirror, my eyes scanning every inch of exposed skin—which was a lot. The red lacy bra and matching thong that Colton picked out were way too sexy for me. Never in my life had I ever even owned something this scandalous. My underwear wardrobe consisted of one nice bra, a million sports bras, a few pairs of cute panties and regular, non-lacy thongs.  I looked over my freckled arms in distaste. Maybe if my skin wasn’t so pale and I actually had a body to show off I would feel comfortable in something like this.

Maybe if I was Melody.

Shaking the thought from my head I reached to unclasp the back of the bra. “Sutton did you try them on?”

Colton’s curious voice sounded right outside the bright pink curtain that stood as our only barrier. The thought of him seeing me in something like this brought warmth to my cheeks.

“Yes Colton and now I’m taking them off. This was an absurd idea,” I mumbled while fumbling with the clasp.

“Wait you can’t take it off before I see you in it!”

I laughed. “That is never going to happen pretty boy.”

What happened next could have been totally disastrous. Colton’s hands clamped around the side of the curtain and pulled it back just as I reached for my oversized sweater and held it in front of my exposed body.

Colton stepped into the room and shut the curtain behind him.

“Colton Jones you have three seconds to get out before I personally castrate you!” I hissed venomously.

His expression was neutral as he assessed the sweater I was holding onto for dear life. “Sutton just let me see it. Remember I’m helping you as a friend.

I glared at him with all my might. “You are over stepping your boundaries. This is my personal space, and I don’t want to show you the lingerie because it looks absolutely hideous on me!”

Colton rolled his eyes. “Nothing looks bad on you. And plus I have to prove that you’re wearing it, otherwise you can’t cross it off your list.”

I was not giving up that easily. Colton had a past with girls, and I knew he’d been with just about every type, which included girls much prettier and much more enhanced than me. He would probably laugh at the sight of me in sexy underwear.

Instead of glaring at him again, I turned on my puppy dog face and widened my eyes. “Please—“

“That’s not going to work on me,” he said in an instant, crossing his arms over his chest.

“This is so embarrassing,” I muttered.

Colon sighed. “You don’t have to feel embarrassed around me. But if you feel too uncomfortable then you don’t have too.”

I saw the disappointment on his face he looked me over. After a few seconds he turned to leave the dressing room. The truth was, I didn’t want him to leave. I felt comfortable around Colton all the time, what was different from now? Anyway, undies are just like a swimming suit right?

A brief wave of courage overtook my body and I let the sweater I was holding to my chest drop to the floor. Colton heard the fabric crumple to the ground and slowly turned around with his eyebrows raised. As soon as his eyes landed on me I felt totally self-conscience and unbearably embarrassed. I crossed my arms over my chest and looked at the ground as my cheeks grew warm.

Colton took a step towards me and grabbed my chin with his hand. Slowly, he raised my face up so that our eyes were level with each other’s. “You are so beautiful,” he said, his voice raspy and strained.

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