Chapter 16: Gone

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I woke in a dark chamber. It had lights barely lit above me. I couldn't see much at all. Barely a hand in front of me.

I remembered barely anything. Loki screaming. Then boom, blackout. Again. I was getting really annoyed with the black outs.

I heard the doorknob rattle in it's place. It went on for another second, and then the door squealed open.

Heavy footsteps came near as a dark skinned figure came forward.

The man that kidnapped me.

Who was this man?

"Hello," he said in his deep voice.

"What do you want?" I spat back at him in a very unfriendly tone.

He chuckled.

"Everything is fine," he said.

"No," I said in a still disgusted voice. "It's really not! I keep seeing things! Things I shouldn't be seeing so quickly! I keep blacking out! Missing things that I don't need to miss! And you are telling me that everything is fine?"

There was an eerie silence.

"The reason we took you in," he began. "Is because we had traced of alien life by you."


"But," he continued. "We have the man in a high tech room that is almost near impossible to escape. We need to find where he originates and send him back."

"No!" I begged, a tear streaming my face. "Please, don't."

"Now that you obviously show affection?" He said. "Yes."

The dark man exited without another word.

I panicked. Adrenaline kicked in. What was I going to do? Loki needed me. And I needed him. I breathed heavily.

Where was he? I knew he couldn't be in that cell. He had to have escaped. He had to have. He had to.



I walked down many halls and corridors as the metal building shook. It must have been in the air. If there were this many quakes on the ground, we'd all be dead.

The lights were lit very dimly, which brought a ghostly look to the halls. I quickened my pace and jogged down random corridors trying to find my destination where Ellesa was.

It felt impossible.

I kept jogging for what felt like hours. I had to keep going. She needed me. And I needed her. Knowing there was a chance of finding her, I kept going. She kept me going.

Some of the halls seemed to go on for ages without a turn or door. I went left.




I kept going. And going.

My breath was running short and my calves were burning with a painful sensation. I had to keep going.

"Come on," I muttered soundlessly to myself. "Keep going."

A door.

An actual door laid at least ten feet in front of me. A slight smirk cracked my lips and I let out a relieved breath. I jogged on. The door getting closer. I smiled brightly as it drew closer to me. This had to be the one. I could feel it.

For what seemed like centuries, I grabbed the knob and twisted it. Surprisingly, it did not hesitate, but it opened.

It was dark. Pitch black. My eyes were trying to adjust to such blackness and cold.

"Ellesa?" I whispered into the black.

"Loki?" A faint and pained voice answered.

The lights turned on dimly, and all I could see was a body in a puddle of blood lying right in front of me.

A head of brown hair was tangled in red. Her lips were dried and chapped. The girl's blue eyes were widened with fear.

It was Ellesa.

I hurried to her side. I found the wound which was located in her stomach and was gushing out the reddest of blood. I gagged at the smell. Adrenaline kicked in.

"Ellesa?!" I exclaimed at her. "Who-who did this to you?"

I lifted her head with my hands gently and looked into her bright eyes. Except, they weren't bright anymore. They were diming of the light and happiness that contained her beautiful face. She was fading.

I began to sob and shake. I didn't know what to do. I took one hand away from her and ripped a sleeve away from my new shirt and placed it on her wound.

"Loki..." She said dimly. "It's not-" she coughed, "It's not going to help."

"Yes," I began with a sob. "It. Will.

"Loki..." She said so faintly and so dimly, I didn't know who she was. I didn't know if this was Ellesa. She had never looked or talked so unhappily.

"I'm not afraid of what comes next."

"But I'm afraid I'll lose you," I said, still sobbing. Tears were streaming down my face, and I wasn't embarrassed of it. I didn't wipe them away. I let them fall.

"You won't really lose me," she said.

A single tear rolled down her drained and pale face.

She put a hand on my cheek and smiled slightly. I stifled a sob back and tried to smile back. Her hand grabbed my shirt and she pulled up to meet my face.

And suddenly, she pulled me into a deep kiss. We looked into each other's eyes. I felt like all the universes were colliding with me in an amazing wrap of realities. Her blue eyes seemed to have been made bright for a single moment as we stared at each other. I then closed my eyes and kept kissing her. I put my hands gently on her cold cheeks. My insides felt like they had melted when we had met, and they still were.

She let go.

"Goodbye," she whispered as she laid back down on the grey and sad ground that was covered in puddles of blood and many tears within.

"No!" I yelled. "No, no, no, no!!" I sobbed. I tried to stop the bleeding, but it seemed to have stopped itself. My face was wet with tears.

My heart would never recover. I sank. I felt as if I had been stabbed over and over again watching her fade away into a everlasting sleep. I I would never hear her soft and sweet voice that was music to my ears whenever I heard it. I would never feel my stomach jump when she laughed and smiled. I would never see her bright blue eyes meet my green eyes as we walked in the snow to another fun day.

I sobbed. And the tears didn't seem to stop coming.

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