First trip to OK

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I wake to the sun shining in my eyes. I look around and realize it's morning I look at the clock it is 8am. I immediately freak out rolling out of bed and running to Addie's room. I haven't gotten up with her since 11 last night. I get to her room and hear nothing so I crack the door slowly and see her snuggled with her blanket still asleep. This is the first time in her three week life she slept through the night and I'm shocked. Good thing it's Saturday cause I wouldn't have gotten the boys to school, even they slept in. I slowly shut the door and head back to my bed where I have a warm sleeping cowboy waiting. I crawl back into bed and snuggle into my cowboy. His arm snakes around my waist and he kisses the top of my head.

"What time is it?" He whispers

"It's 8 in the morning"

He immediately sits up and starts getting up. I place my hand on his chest lightly pushing him back to bed.

"She's fine babe. I just checked on her. She actually slept through the night."

"How did we get so lucky? We have a long day ahead of us, the extra sleep is gonna be needed."

"I can't believe she slept through the night already. The boys didn't sleep through the night until they were like 3."

"All I can say is thank goodness." Blake says as we both laugh
"Gwen are the boys bags packed? I want to start getting the bags packed in the car."

"The big boys should have their toy bag packed and I packed all the kids cloths bags last night. When I finish feeding Addie I'll pack the rest of her stuff and I'll get my bags packed. Can you or King help Apollo pack his toy bag?"

"Yeah I'll see if King will help Apollo while I pack what's ready."

"Thanks cowboy."

"Always sunshine."

He bends down and plants a kiss on the top of my head. I look up at him and pucker my lips telling him I need a real kiss. Its sweet at first but he deepens it and I allow him, but that's all the farther this goes as Addie pulls off telling me she is ready to switch sides. Blake kisses her on the cheek before I get her situated and feeding again. He gives me one more peck on the lips before he heads out to pack the stuff. Im left watching my baby girl. I drift to thoughts of how truly blessed I am. Three happy, healthy boys, a happy heathy girl, and a fiancé that loves me more than life.

"Mom, I got Apollo's toys packed. Do you need anymore help?" King asks

"You know what buddy could you get Addie some toys and put them on the coffee table in the living room."

"Yeah I can do that!"
Finally we are all packed and in the car on the way to the airport. We are headed to OK so Addie can meet all of Blake's family. His mom literally cried when Blake told her I had gone into labor and that she wouldn't make it in time. He convinced her to stay in OK and that we would bring her there to meet her as soon as we got cleared to let her fly. Well the doctor gave us clearance two days ago. So it's been a bit of a rush to get everything together to leave so quick.

"Yes mom we are heading to the airport now."...."yes we are all taking naps when we get there and will be over for family dinner with Addie."..."Yes she was cleared to fly, Gwen has to feed her during take off and landing to help her ears".... "Mom we are almost to the airport I need to get off here so I can get everyone settled on the plane." ...."I love you too mom. See you soon." He hangs up the phone. "Phew she is going crazy."

"She is just excited cowboy. She hasn't seen the boys in awhile and she has never met Addie, my mom would be going crazy too." I tell him grabbing his free hand.

He looks at me and smiles gratefully. He pulls my hand up to his mouth and places a kiss on the back of it.

"Excited is an understatement. She is more like hysterical. When Miranda and I got married she used to ask when every few months but after 3 years of her saying I'm not ready, mom gave up. She had resigned to the fact that Endy was the only one who would grace her with the grandkids she so desperately wanted. Then things got rocky with Miranda and she encouraged me to leave, seeing how she never liked her. But I stayed for a long time. And then when she figured it out that I was dating someone she didn't even bother to ask who she just asked if they wanted to have kids. I told her about the boys and she cried and asked if things were serious. When I said yes it was like I released a wild beast. EVERY time I talked to her since then, having babies and age has always been somehow a part of our conversation. She is beyond excited to meet Addie."
"Here we are. Home at last. Hopefully she likes it." He says squeezing my hand smiling nervously at me

"Blake anywhere we are she likes. But I'm sure she will grow up loving just as much as the rest of us." I smile and lean into kiss him.

The boys are already out of the car and getting there bags before I even open my door. I walk around to the other side and open the door to get my precious girl out. She is snuggled in so comfy I almost feel bad getting her, but it's chilly outside for such a little one. I get her out wrapping her favorite blanket around here to keep her warm. I take her inside and sit down in my favorite rocking chair. She loves rocking. Her favorite thing at home is to be held and rocked in her rocking chair in her room. She starts fussing though and I can tell she is hungry based on my bodies reaction to her cries. I can hear all of my little men unpacking the car and Blake telling them what room each bag goes in. So I get Addie started on the first side but don't bother to cover up. They will be busy for awhile and I love watching her. She is changing some from when she was just born. Her eyes are lightening to the color of Blake's, which I must say I love. Her hair is the same color as mine when I was little. Next thing I know I hear the cowboy boots and then feel his lips on my cheek.

"How are my girls?" He asks

"We are good daddy. Almost done here then we can get everyone settled down for a hour or so before we head over to your moms."

"Yeah that sounds good. The boys are in there rooms already we just need to set them up with movies."

"Ok well we will be done in the next five minutes."

"Ok I'll go check on pollo and make sure get went to sleep, and I'll turn the movie on for Zuma. King said he could start his but I'll check in to make sure."

"Thanks babe. We will be up soon."

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