Finally on Dagobah

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"You're still in training?"

"Yeah, I emergency. I left about a year ago."

Padmé was surprised, she had watched his fighting technique and considered him to at least be on par with an advanced knight. After the X-Wing landed, Padmé noticed Luke's upset demeanor. She was about to confront him when his mouth formed an obviously forced smile,

"Alright, his home isn't that far from here. Are you absolutely sure you want to come?"

"It's not like I have much of a choice, I mean we're already here."

"Yeah, sorry. Let's go!"

The entire walk there Padmé's mind wandered,

Why doesn't he want me to come? Is this master of his dangerous, well it is a possibility. After all, why would a Jedi be training outside of the temple? Does the council know of this?

"Hey Padmé, you seem preoccupied. Something wrong?"

Padmé snapped out of her daze to see a concerned Luke staring back at her,

"No, no I'm fine. I was just wondering, why is your master here of all places?"

"Well, since he's a Jedi, he's in exile. If the empire found out about a living Jedi master..."

If the empire found out! What Galaxy am I in?

"Oh hey, there it is!"

Padmé turned to see a small hut, Luke and Artoo rushed towards it with Padmé confusingly following behind. Padmé and Luke could just barely fit inside, so she was forced to stand directly behind him. Her view was severely limited, however, she heard the faint voice of another occupant.

"Hmm. That face you make. Look I so old to young eyes."

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