Coping With Reality

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"Well...I remember Obi-Wan being a much less violent person, maybe it came about with age?" Padmé thought aloud.

Luke ignored his mother as reality finally started to set in,

"I can't believe Leia is my sister?!  What are the odds that my uncle would purchase her droids out of all the other ones in the galaxy!  I wonder who else knows I have a sister, probably the same people who know Vader is my father."

I hate when they call him that, his name is Anakin!  Padmé thought quietly.

"I don't want to destroy him, Artoo but I have so many people who are counting on me."  Luke said to unresponsive droid.

"Hey," Padmé interjected, "you don't need to!  Obi-Wan and Yoda are wise old...ghosts?  Anyway, but that doesn't automatically mean their right about this.  I understand that he might have been corrupted and may not be EXACTLY the same man I love, however, I refuse to give up hope!  If anything, he might actually want to rejoin the light.  Why else would he have revealed himself to be your father, Luke?"

Luke smiled faintly before speaking,

"Actually, right after he told me his next words were for me to join him and to destroy the Emperor and then rule the galaxy with him."

Looking a bit surprised, Padmé took a moment and then spoke,

"He tried to get you to join the dark side as well?  If nothing else this proves that he want to be on the same side as you, it's just not the right one, and if he wants you to defeat the Emperor then he obviously..."  She quietly trailed off when she noticed his skeptical look.

"I want him to rejoin the light, more than anything, but I don't know if I can rescue him.  The Emperor's grip on his mind-"

"Luke, I might not know much about the Emperor, but I promise you that no matter how powerful he may be, you're far more important to Anakin and that will make all of the difference."

Luke kept a straight face, and got off the tree. He approached his naive mother,

"I hope you're right, Padmé, I hope you're right."

When the group reached Luke's X-Wing, Padmé casually asked where they were going.

"I almost thought you wouldn't have asked, I need to go rendezvous with my friends at the rebellion headquarters."

Padmé thought back to the people she met on Tatooine,

I wonder, if Leia will be there. After all, I didn't get to formally meet my own daughter, maybe if Anakin does turn back we could all go on a picnic togeth- wait, will we have time for that? Won't my existence here only be temporary, after all, Luke and Leia still need to be born...

"Hey Padmé,"

Padmé snapped out of her daze and listened as Luke continued.

"When we get to the base, don't mention anything about our trip, alright? I don't want anyone to know that you're from the past, much less my mother. And don't tell Leia that she's my sister, leave that to me. I just want to wait for the right time, you understand right?"

Padmé was a bit surprised, she thought Luke would have wanted to tell Leia as soon as possible. Still, she decided to respect her son's wishes.

"Don't worry, I'm great at keeping secrets." Padmé assured Luke.

Looking extremely relieved, Luke thanked his mother and started the X-Wing.

Maybe I should keep quiet about having to leave too, Luke has enough on his plate already.

"So when we get there, I'll vouch for you.  And if anyone asks about your past-"

"Don't worry, I'll tell them that I hit my head just before meeting you.  Your friends already think that, so I doubt it's a stretch others would as well."

"Good point, we should be there soon so just take it easy and follow my lead, alright?"

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