I Love You Too

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Coffee Shop/Mute AU

Incoherent words dripped aimlessly from the baristas lips, quickly he poured the slushy contents of the blender into a thin flimsy plastic cup. Shaking hands pressed a dome shaped cover onto the top of the cup, until a satisfying click was heard. Eyes scanning the slightly messy counter the raven snatched up a dull purple straw, sliding it into the hole that was on top of the cover. Strighting the cup, he sighed closing his eyes and counting to three.

Bending down the worker delicately paged through multiple paper bags, pulling a pastle colored one out of the stack. Moving over to the pastries he eyed the strawberry cupcakes, steadly sliding the most perfect one out of the display case. Easing the treat into the paper bag he sighed in relief, folding the bag over once. To ensure saftey he opened a drawer, holding onto a sticker pack he pulled off a pale yellow star sticker and pushed it onto the fold. Pulling his fingers away he sighed, small specks of glitter from the sticker stuck to the tips of his fingers as the barista turned to wash his hands with warm soapy water.

Drying them with a towel, he turned back staring at the drink and well packaged cupcake. Looking up his eyes caught a small heap of pink, sitting in a corner booth alone. Edd smiled, grabbing a special tray decorated with colorful swirls of paint, he arranged the items on its surface. Clearing his throat the raven made his way around the counter and past multiple seating arrangement until he found his way to the small teen.

The boy snuggled into his sweater, messing with the sleeves as they swallowed his small hands. Edd placed the tray on the cream colored tabled, sitting in the seat acrossed from the mess of pink. The boy looked up at Edd smiling as he delicately pulled the tray closer to himself, grabbing the drink. The raven sighed in content as he rest his cheeks in the palms of his hands, elbows stationary on the tables surface. The smaller male in front of him giggled, brushing a strand of ginger hair out of his face to revel shimmering green eyes.

"How's it taste? I added extra cinnamon this time." The barista spoke softly.

The ginger took another sip, placing the drink back down on the tray. He moved a hand up to his chest, small fingers making out shapes and signs.

Edd laughed.
"Well I'm happy you enjoy it Kevin, now try the cupcake!"

The ginger looked down at the packaged treat, gently undoing the wrapping he pulled the cupcake onto the tray. Pulling off a bit of the paper he took a small bite, allowing the flavor to hit his taste buds. Kevin smiled warmly, making shapes with his hands again. Edd huffed, reaching forward he grabbed Kevins hand, lacing their fingers securely together. Staring at the ginger for a moment he sighed, squeezing Kevins hand tightly.

"Your beautiful Kevin." He whispered softly.
"Your beautiful, I don't want anyone telling you anything different ok?" The raven hummed.

Kevin blinked, a few stray tears rolling down his plush freckled cheeks. Edd only smiled bitter sweetly, he let go of Kevins hand, making shapes with his hands just like Kevin did. Kevin only frowned, more tears rolling out of the corners of his green eyes. The boy moved his hands into different shapes, staring at the raven as he did so.

Edd sighed, parting his lips. "Why would I ever leave you?"

Kevin whimpered, again displaying shapes with his hands once more.
Edd stood, walking to the other side of the table as he bent over, squeezing Kevin in a tight hug.

"You think because your mute id love you less?" He let out a sad laugh.

Kevin nodded into his shoulder.
"Well you should stop thinking that." Edd mumbled, whipping a tear from his own eyes.

"You should stop thinking that, because I don't need to hear you say 'I love you.' I just need you to show me."

At that moment the bell on the café door jingled, echoing throughout the small shop. Edd stood, looking down at the now teary eyed heap of pink.
"I love you" he spoke quietly
Kevin smiled, whipping at his eyes with the sleeves of his sweater. Calming down he signed back with silent shapes.

'I love you too.'

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