Aquarium Day

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Field trip AU

Kevin smiled, placing a steady hand on the chilled glass. With his other hand the boy reached into his back pocket, gripping to his cellphone. Backing away from the glass he smiled wider, looking at the screen of his phone as various fish swam by. Quickly the ginger snapped a picture, looking down at the school of clown fish he had managed to capture a photo of. The boy squeezed the phone close as he turned, running to catch up with the rest of his class.

Kevin listened intently to his 7th grade teach, as she lectured the preteens about sharks life cycles. The ginger alowed his eyes to wander, starting at the multiple small sharks roaming the tanks that surrounded his class. As he moved his eyes accross the room, the boy noticed a certain someone off alone in a side corner. Frowning Kevin cocked his head to the side, examining the dark figure.

"Did he not hear the teacher or something?..."

Kevin sighed, turning to glance at the class before he moved to the corner of the aquarium.

"Hey idiot, what are you doing?" The ginger asked quietly.

The figure turned his head to Kevin, before turning back to look out the glass. Kevin moved forward, gripping to the figures arm.

"Edd, com'on, before we get yelled at!" Kevin whined.

The raven held onto Kevin, pulling him into the corner with a huff. Kevin only whined more, complaining loudly before the raven placed a hand over the ginger's open mouth. Eddward watched with predatory eyes as the class moved along to the next room. He seemingly released a breath he had been holding in, letting go of Kevin.

The ginger squirmed, turning to face Edd.

"What the heck?!"

Edd mumbled to himself, eyes cast on the sharks once more. The raven placed a slim finger to the glass, dragging it along to follow a shark that came close. Kevin sighed, moving forward to the glass he looked out at the water. Admiring all the small sand sharks that sliced through the clear dull liquid. He found his hand gripping Edds finger, as the raven allowed their fingers to intertwine.

"Edd I know its hard."

Edd turned to look at Kevin, biting his lip he spoke swiftly.

"But you don't know, Kevin don't tell me you know when you wont even bother to understand my situation."

Kevin frowned, adjusting his thick rimmed glasses as they slid down his plush face. A silence set though both boys, as chilled air brushed past them.


Kevin squeezed the ravens hand, turning to watch as water reflected over his concentrated face. Casting subtle blues and greens onto the wall behind them.


Edd spoke, not bothering to break his immersed glassy eyes from the fish.

"Why do you like sharks so much?"

Kevin asked, playing with Edds fingers as his eyes studied the ground. The raven turned to Kevin, letting go of his small hand. Edd wrapped his arms around the ginger's small body, breathing in his soft orange locks.

"Their strong....intimidating....fearless and never weak..."

Kevin spoke into Edds shoulder quietly,

"Then you can be strong, intimidating, fearless, and never weak too right?"

"I-I don't know..."

"Sorry I don't understand your situation Edd.."

"Sorry I got upset Pumpkin..."

Kevin smiled.

"Its alright, just try and be happy ok?"

Edd nodded slowly, as Kevin pulled out his phone. Standing next to Edd in front of the tank, the ginger held his phone out, camera on. The raven looked at the phone before averting his eyes else where.

"Edd! Just one picture!"

Kevin whined as Edd sighed, looking back at the camera obediently. Kevin giggled.

"At least were taking it with the sharks, sassy butt!"

Edd rolled his eyes as Kevin stood on his tip toes, pecking the raven on the cheek as he snapped a photo. Edd seemed dazed, turning to Kevin with wide eyes. The ginger turned his phone off, racing back to the class.

"Last one back is a rotten egg!"

Edd sighed, looking back to the tank one last time, he couldn't help but smile.

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