Cough Syrup

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(Ha ha, I'm writing a full length fanfiction on this, I'm even planning to write it as a trilogy of events. So I just wrote up something short, like an epilogue so you all know what is to come ^^ Enjoy.)

*Mild Swearing, Serious Topics.*

Third grade was terrifying, to say the least the day our substitute sent me home with a cough was the worst. Ya know, I never really got to finish my third grade year, or my fourth, I sorta skipped out on the majority of my youthful middle school years as well.

They all said I just had a cough, something minor, no true life threatening harm caused. They said it was a basic cough, nothing contagious, just that kinda cough that every kid in school just manages to catch somehow. The doctors solution was simple, 'just a tablespoon of this horrific liquid a day and he should be back to better in no time!' Day by day, that horrid cough syrup was crammed forcefully down my throat, but nothing ever got better. No matter how much of that, chunky, pitch black, grape flavored, terrible excuse for child friendly medicine I took, I never got better.

Then my thirteenth birthday popped up, in seventh grade was when I was diagnosed with early stages of leukemia.

So that was it? Honestly all I could think about was how I would probably die before I could even reach 16, missing out on all of lives little treasures. The things that you would strive and dream about on those rainy nights when hope seemed buried underneath all of the bullshit of today's crumbling society.

So from then on I was stuck in this hospital, taking online classes no matter how much my head hurt, or how sore my eyes would get. Because education was still important for a soon to be dead thirteen year old.

Some times if I thought hard enough, the most obscure questions would wiggle their way into my dull thought process.

I wonder how Eddward was doing, I haven't seen him since third grade.

That's right, I did promise I would tell him if I was ok, my one and only friend.

But that was four years ago.


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