Sterotypical Nerd Things

845 21 4

Star wars related AU
Warning: Mild swearing
Requested by Rumbledd , please enjoy!

Kevin laughed quietly under his breath,  thumbs flying over his phones keyboard, the click from his mobile divice soon becoming rather annoying.

He's been laughing like that for the past hour. Edd groaned, staring at the TV as the Star Wars marathon began its 3rd part. They were supposed to be watching the stupid thing together, I mean, Edd was actually trying this time.

He huffed, moving slowly to peek over his boyfriends shoulder, quietly spying at his phone. With this Kevin began to notice the ravens close proximity, snapping his head quickly in Edds direction as he hid his phone. Giving him a glaring scold Kevin spoke,

"No one likes a snoop Edd."

Edd narrowed his brows, grimacing slightly.

"No one likes a cheating boyfriend."

Kevin frowned sourly.

"I'm not cheating!"
"Well them what are you hiding?"
"Shut up!"

Edd jumped back a bit, seeing that Kevin reached his temper point.

"Just shut up! Ya know, I just wanted to plan something for us ok?! I was on a group chat with some Internet friends, trying to get tickets for that new star wars movie. I mean, I thought id surprise you with a date.."

Edd laughed.

"To what? Some stupid movie series that I don't...fucking understand?! Great idea!"

He spoke sarcastically as Kevin stared at him, mouth slightly agape.

"Well I put up with your swim meets! And being able to go out with you only when the swim team tags along!"

Edd huffed, crossing his arms.

"Well im sorry your 'date time' gets in the way of our hang out time."

"Gets in the way?....So what! I get in the way?!"

The ginger stood, pulling his shoes on, along with one of Eddwards sweaters. Blinking, he quickly took the sweatshirt off, throwing it at Edd.

"Here! Take this shit back!"

Kevin growled, stomping off to the door.

"Fine! Get out of my house!"

Kevin slammed the door shut, leaving a fuming Edd alone, kicking a few holes into the plaster walls of the living room.

10 minutes without communication to Kevin was ok.

20 minutes was fine.

25 minutes was pushing it.


The raven groaned, finding himself on the floor as he quietly rolled over onto his back, staring up at the ceiling.

He could be an idiot sometimes, and he admits that.

And now, low and behold, he knew he had to fix this in so way. Sitting up the raven sighed.

"Road trip."

Knocking on Kevins bedroom windows he stared down at the Walgreens bag in his hand, sorting though the contents. A skeptical ginger opened the windows blinds, before going wide eyed, pulling the window open instantly.

"Eddward! What are you doing on the roof?!"

Edd blinked, surprised by Kevins outburst.

"Didnt know if your parents were home..."

Before he could finish his sentence the ginger pulled the raven inside, scolding him for the rather stupid decision to climb the side of his house.

"Edd you could have fell!"

The raven only sat quietly on the edge of Kevins bed as Kevin bit his lip, staring down at him with a condescending tone.

"I'm sorry Kevin, listen, I really am..."

The ginger huffed, crossing his arms, face going soft.

"I know you are my Sharky."

Edd laughed quietly, holding the shopping bag out to his boyfriend slowly.

"I got us some junk food, and I think that marathon is still going on."

Kevin took the bag, pulling a Coca-Cola out.

"Yeah it is..."

(I wrote like half of this almost two weeks ago, and the other half right now so parts might seem a bit sloppy, especially since I'm too lazy to edit but really want to update my Oneshots. I hope you all had an amazing winter break, and time spent with family! I apologize for my lack of updates too, ive just been so uninspired but I found an amazing song that is bringing so many ideas to my mind, so be prepared!)

Reverse Kevedd OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora