Prosthetic Love

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(*sigh* Not sure what this is) AU
Warning: Sexual themes

   He was rather surprised to see Mother and Father had left the TV on and un-attended, the ravens fourteen  year old curious mind seemed to have the better of him. Reaching for the remote he flipped through a few channels, looking down the hall, just in case his parents were to come home, stating they had forgotten something.

   Eyes catching a certain channel the pale teen paused, starring at the screen. A furious blush cast apon his cheeks, unable to take his eyes off the young actor who was dressed in lingerie, rather reveling Eddward had thought to himself. At school he had seen many boys in the bathroom, staring at girls who wore such things in magazines.

   Blinking Eddward looked out the window, rushing to grab his back pack he cussed aloud almost missing the bus that day. On the way to school the teen couldn't quiet get the image of the stunning male out of his mind. His parents had always told him, studies first, girls later. Edd had never felt such an attraction to someone before though, somthing stired in the pit of his stomach as he closed his eyes.

   The young male decided to walk back home after school today, swinging by the local coroner book store. Opening the door, a jingle of a bell greeted him, he jumped slightly. Edd knew what he was about to do was bad, honestly though, at that moment he didnt quiet care. Moving to the back of the store he stared in amazement at all the rather exotic pinup posters of grown women, and a few males. Looking down he delicately paged through a few of the magazines, reaching the back he stopped. There, it was the male from the TV, from this morning. Pulling the thin paged book out he thumbed through the contents, cheeks burning from a few of the photos. Closing it quickly Eddward squeezed the magazine in his fists, moving one to his pocket. The teen pulled a quarter out, sighing as he made his way up to the front desk.

   Once at home he sat on his bed, staring at the newly purchased "reading material" he now owned. Hearing his parents car pull in the teen quickly grabbed the magazine, pulling his mattress up a bit as he slid it in between the mattress and the frame of his twin sized bed.

(SHOOT! Ya know...I like this idea more than cough much as I want to write both I think I might unpublish cough syrup and just work on this because ahhhhh. Also because I feel as thought I could write the first chapter of cough syrup better shoooooottt)

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