525,600 Minutes

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War/Army-ish AU

The ginger sighed, gripping to a pair of metal dog tags that hung from his pale neck. Moving his head the male glared at the tags, closing his eyes.
They weren't like the ones he always wore.
The ones he rarely took off.
But they were his.

The ginger let out a chocked breath, clearing his throat as he released the tags from his tight grip.

"Its Kevin again." He whispered softly, staring down at the small grave stone with warm eyes.

Kneeling down, Kevin rested his knees in the soft grass. Bringing a delicate hand up he touched the stone before him, tracing the name that was etched into it. His smile faltered, but only for a fraction of time. Eddward wouldn't want him to be sad, he thought.

"How is it up there, huh?" Kevin sighed, looking up at the sky filled with dull grey clouds.

He laughed to himself as he positioned his legs in a criss cross position. Pulling the leather jacket around his shoulders a bit tighter to his skin as a chilled wind passed by.

"Hope my dads not giving you any trouble." He spoke quietly.

Swallowing a lump that had been forming in his throat the ginger leaned his head against the cold stone.

"I miss you, every minute of my life ive been thinking of you. Extra hard recently...ya know?"

Kevin shook slightly, a few silent sobs jutting from his lips as he squeezed his eyes shut tight. The male snuggled closely to the stone, gripping it with weak freckled hands.

"So far ive spent 525,600 minutes thinking about you baby." He whispered.

"Did you know, that's how many minutes are in a year?" He laughed sadly, tears still fuzzy in his eyes.

"I didnt know that until last week." The ginger sniffed, as the wind around him picked up.

"But of course you probably already knew that..of course." Kevin let out a shaken sigh.

Moving away from the stone slightly, he looked down at his fingers, playing with the small engagement ring. The one the ginger just couldn't get himself to take off, the one he's been too scared to loose.

"I know you love me." He mumbled softly.

"I-I love you too baby. And im not sure
what you want me to do now." He stumbled slightly on his words.

"But I know you'd want me to be happy, r-right?" Kevin sighed.

"You need to learn to let go of the past, give the future a try. That's what you always told me." The ginger smiled warmly.

Digging at the grass and dirt in front of the grey stone, Kevin managed to form a small hole. Starring down at his hand once more, he shakily removed the ring, hesitation building up. Placing the ring securely in the shallow hole, Kevin began covering it back up with up turned dirt.

Moving a hand up, he gripped the military tags around his neck once more, tracing out Edds name.

"Im going to try and move on baby, I swear ill live out the life you wanted me too." He chocked on tears again, brushing his hair out of his face.

Standing the male pulled the hood of the leather jacket up as rain sprinkled down. Kevin placed his hands in his pockets, looking up at the dull sky.

"How do you measure a year in the life?" He hummed shutting his eyes.

"How about love? Yeah...love."

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